Thursday, October 31, 2019
Jean Racine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Jean Racine - Essay Example An interesting case in this point can be round in Racine's preface to Phedre. The seventeenth-century reader would likely have been surprised to find there no mention of pardon, whose parasitic rival version of the same story set off an unusually venomous battle. (Bold, 2001) According to Bold "Racine's own creation is modestly represented, as a carefully charted divergence from the Eurpidean 'Route' to which Racine remains richly indebted, serving 'Phedre' as an exemplary character". "The litotes of this opening, which might be read as a ritual gesture of authorial self-effacement, conceals in fact a far more complex irony in as much as it erases more than we at first think more, that is, than the simple vanity of a purely original creation, an inventio ex nihilo. One is, upon reflection, struck by a number of things in this apparently modest statement. This is certainly one of the very few places where one can find the character of Phedre described, at whatever level, as reasonable. It has also been fairly argued that Euripides's tragedy Hippolytus given the play's title and the stepmother's early guilt-ridden suicide is not really about Phedre anyway. More importantly, as it implies only a difference between the Latin and the French versions, Racine's dismissive reference identifies the Senecan text as the site of corruption and consequently, as an alibi for his own text's purer origins". (Bold, 2001) 'Phedre' the entire play revolves around the concept of 'monster'. To how much the statement is true can be determined from the fact that 'Phedre' represents the corruption and evil enriched in the social attitude of French culture of the then seventeenth century. Racine wanted the society to confront to the social dilemmas so it seems as if he has shown the French society, a mirror so that they might acknowledge their reality in the form of corruption and vulgarity. The main monster according to my perception is the evil that resides deep within a human, now it depends upon the person as to whether he feeds and nourishes that evil so that the evil grows up to become a 'monster' or he remains callous towards the evil, so that eventually he is alleviated. Let us see and examine every central character of 'Phedre' in the light of 'monstrous' appeal. 'Hippolytus' in other monsters Though Hippolytus is unmonstrous as compared to other characters in 'Phedre', but he fails to succeed through the rein of monstrous characters. One reason might be the strength of his inner self and conscience, which escorted him to remain aloof from participating in the devilish works of 'Phedre'. His reason for being morally ethical is the true love of 'Aricia', which lead him towards the light instead of thrusting into the darkness of horror which otherwise would have transformed him into the monster. He is the only character perceived to be 'human' as he knows the morals of relations, and unlike other characters in 'Phedre' he has trained his ego towards goodness and moral values. The reason for other
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Errors to Avoid In a Business Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Errors to Avoid In a Business Letter - Essay Example The first error to avoid in a business letter is the use of the irrelevant material in the document. People tend to incorporate a series of irrelevant words in an attempt to please the reader. The use of an irrelevant material is a serious error that makes the written document long, boring and of poor quality. The writer may use long descriptions in order to portray their knowledge in the field. As a result, the reader may fail to comprehend the core purpose of the letter. The use of technical jargon and complex words in a business document frustrates the reader and thus contributes to miscommunication. In business writing, a skilled writer is expected to produce documents with excellent word choice. A writer may say, â€Å"The employees are very concerned with how the layoffs will affect their lives.†This sentence is improper because it uses similar words to express the employees’ reaction to layoffs. In the stated example, the writer is expected to say â€Å"Employees fear that the layoff will affect their morale.†The ideal way to avoid using irrelevant material involves selectively choosing appropriate words that best communicate the intended message. Ambiguous phrases such as ‘It is advisable’ should not be included in business letters. Writers should focus on clear, concise statements that communicate the intended message. Grammatical errors are intolerable in business writing. These errors may be in the form of improper use of verb forms, transitions, and articles. Writers may also incorporate unclear pronoun references, or they may incorrectly use subject/object pronouns. Grammatical errors may be perceived negatively by the reader. The reader may perceive the writer as careless or may fail to acknowledge the seriousness of the written information. Transition errors for example â€Å"The press release was long although the public needed the information.â€
Sunday, October 27, 2019
What Is The Ultimate Basis Of Religious Belief Philosophy Essay
What Is The Ultimate Basis Of Religious Belief Philosophy Essay In the article, Are Men ever directly aware of God, James considered mystical states of consciousness as the centre and root of personal religious experiences which encompasses spectrum of experiences, from the unspiritual to the most devotedly profound. One of his arguments is that, we, humans, are in control of what we believe. This can be cross-referenced from his humanistic perspective in psychology. Moreover, he started his piece by defining the expression, mystical states of consciousness. He built his paper by creating a valid topic of investigation and study by defining mystical states of consciousness as real experiences, which is available to most people. And to prevent verbal disputation and recrimination of the loosely-defined words mysticism and mystical, he proposed four marks that an experience must have to be considered one. He started with ineffability which stresses the defiance of expression in order for the experience not to be mistaken as a state of feeling. Moreover, it must be directly experienced; cannot be transferred to others and the no words can be used to describe it. Noetic quality, on the other hand, which is also so similar to states of feeling, says that mystics experience a state of knowledge, not just an intellectual aha moment. It is all encompassing knowledge which is the knowledge of the Unity that fuses even contradictory thoughts to a whole which penetrates the mystics backbone. Subject claims that they have experience revelations and insights into virtual truths. Transiency and passivity are less sharply marked, but are also usually found in mystical religious experiences. Transiency is a state that cannot be sustained for long; it fades rapidly, and remains out of reach. However, some memory content always remains, and this can be used to modify the interior life of the subject between the instant of their recurrence. When in a mystical experience, individuals do not seem to keenly process the data. It is a passive experience; the subject feels a loss of control, and of being in the grasp of superior command James fourth mark. These four qualities mark is what he called, the mystical group. These four marks of mystics and mysticism state forms a distinct region of consciousness. Later, James goes on to suggest that these experiences occur as our field of consciousness increases. James offers variety of experiences that he wants to categorize as mystical, extending from the most trivial to the most important. And he cited examples of their lower grades. He relates this to the power of poetry and music. He also mentioned dà ©jà vu, a sudden feeling which sometimes sweeps over us of having been there before. He sees this sort of experience as making us imprecisely conscious of the likelihood of things beyond our normal perceptions. There are degrees of what James calls mystical consciousness. For these, the writer merely quotes from people who have experienced them. One of the subjects describes being visited by trance states in which awareness of the world was annihilated, leaving a sharp awareness of the self. This brings him to the contemplation of what we to-day call drug-induced states, the consciousness produced by intoxicants and anaesthetics, especially by alcohol. The writer states that his own experience of nitrous oxide intoxication has led him to the conclusion that our normal waking consciousness is but one especial type of consciousness. Continuing his survey, James now reaches religious mysticism pure and simple. This is where the experience is of the presence of God. As one of the writers quoted says, I was aware that I was immersed in the infinite ocean of God. He completes his survey of the range of mystical experiences by looking at its methodical cultivation as a component of the religious life. He starts with yoga, the experimental union of the individual with the divine and the various levels of contemplation in Buddhism. Then he goes on to quote at considerable length an account that offers insight into Sufism. Finally, the writer comes to the mystical theology of Catholicism as exemplified in three Iberian mystics, St John of the Cross, St Ignatius Loyola and St Teresa of Avila. Two concerns that the writer dwells on are sense of revelation and tonic effects of mystical states Illumination and Ecstasy. Thus St Teresa reports on the one hand on receiving privileged insights, and on the other hand on experiencing rapture of the mind and senses. Moreover, five negatives have been described; however, the main benefit that James seems to see in all this is an overcoming of all the usual barriers between the individual and the Absolute. There is oneness and both parties are aware of it. Before concluding, he characterized the general traits of the mystic range of consciousness as whole pantheistic, optimistic, anti-naturalistic and harmonizes best with twice-borness and the so-called worldly states of mind. In conclusion, the writer made three points. First, the subjects of mystical experiences are themselves totally convinced by them. Second, there is no reason why other people should share that conviction for different subjects experiences generate different messages. James suggests that mystical experiences, viewed overall, are non-specific in doctrinal content. Third, mystical experiences prevent us from rejecting out of hand the possibility of a world beyond our senses. The supernaturalism to which they persuade us may, interpreted in one way or another. The significance of keeping the meaning of mystical states of consciousness value-neutral was pointed out by James. Furthermore, he explains that all mystical experience, whether positive or negative, deserves recognition as available states of consciousness. He does not debate whether they are a superior or inferior form of consciousness; instead he points out that mystical states include truth and deceit, gratification and pain. His approach is subjective rather than objective and I think he makes some valid points concerning how we judge the faith claim by other people. It was right to respect the personal belief of serious spiritual believers; likewise it is right that what they believe to be true should not be imposed on anyone for them to believe. We all have spiritual needs that somehow, someway when put together build our fragmenting self. Furthermore, he didnt investigate developed patterns of various religions rather he was interested on the experiences that formed the basis of the formal expressions. He has no time for time-honored religion, or theology, rather, he focuses on the mystical, individual life-changing experiences people have in sensing the presence of a higher power. He gave a humane analysis which cleared the empiricists. Indeed, he sets it as his task to evaluate whether religion is good as a social force, and concludes that it is, though with some important caveats. This leaves us with an essential account of what religion truly means and the way in which it is or can be intertwined with social, political and other factors. It lets us unravel such threads in an effective way, and shows us that religion in its essence is not the cause behind all the worlds evil and or good. Rather, religion is a fundamental dimension of consciousness. He concludes that there are other types of truth that we are not usually conscious of and that mystical states give us some hint. Moreover, it interesting that he appears to rebuff and demonstrate flaws in every proof of Gods existence but at the same time believes God is real because He has genuine effects. In his paper, religion was examined from a purely pragmatic perspective. It focused on the individual connection of one individual to the heavenly. Moreover, it was remarkable that the characteristics of religious experience were connected to a range of other phenomena such as drunkenness, ghostly visions, optimism and diseases without any anti-religious schema. It offers less in terms of experimental results since it is impossible to agree on an epistemological point of reference for spiritual matters. So, he provides a virtual catalog of anecdotal references from which to deduce his observations. His answer, of course, is an assorted bag, a cognitive dissonance that is tentatively positive, but not definitively so. This article is not just an assessment but a search for the legitimacy of religion, the reality, and the unity. It is neither an endorsement nor a tearing-down; it does not walk with a particular faith. It is a scientific and philosophic look at religion and one that does not simply dismiss faith as foolish primitive garbage. A foremost flaw in the work is that he dispatches entirely with the historical, institutional, and intellectual mechanisms of religious praxis. While it could be said that these components were anterior to his psychological concern, the manner in which they are done demonstrates a narrow purview of what religion is. Despite this admirable aspiration for reconciliation, he leaves the reader uncertain of what road to take. No matter what his convictions, systematic theology will never voluntarily submit itself to the methodological considerations of empirical science, nor vice versa. Perhaps only in the past decades has the passion for disproving religion subsided enough to allow researchers to make meaningful steps in dialogue between the disciplines. Additionally, his breakdown of four common attributes of the mystical experience primarily the noetic quality, have really been a useful in assessing ones mystical experience. On the other hand, the article A skeptical View of Mysticism by Bertrand Russell started with a presentation of another possible source of knowledge in religion aside from science, which may be properly described as revelation. According to him, we accept the results of studies as truths which we have never conducted or had firsthand experience, and so, mystics might also claim that their source of knowledge is also unquestionable. He admitted that this point is difficult to argue because, people who have mystical experiences would justify that their claim as unquestionable as so with scientific findings of people. Furthermore, he compared the verifiability of science over religion and says that it is useless to attempt an argument that will appeal to the man who has himself enjoyed mystic illumination. He emphasized the importance of the scientific ways of acquiring knowledge as opposed to mystical experiences which cannot be tested. He also stressed the point that mystical experiences are not transferable, so, science should have no expectation as to the result. Moreover, he raised the point on our acceptance of truth, that we, as critical thinkers should not recognize things/events as true without sufficient evidence and has not passed the intra- and inter- subjectivity tests. However, this can also be contradicted by mystics by saying that science should be neutral and should view theirs on their procedures. Furthermore, he stated that the chief argument in favor of the mystics is their agreement with each other. However, mystics vary in the way they give verbal expressions to their experiences, and so he enumerated three things that successful mystics maintain. First, all division and separateness is unreal, and that the universe is a highly indivisible unity. Second, the evil is illusionary, and the illusion arises through falsely regarding a part of self-subsident. And lastly, the time is unreal, and that reality is eternal, not in the sense of being everlasting, but in the sense of being wholly outside time. These traits, however, according to him are just representative sample of the whole. Russell built further arguments by instructing the readers to image that they are in a law-court, seeking to decide on the credibility of the witnesses who claims to assert these three assertions. He demonstrates an argument, makes the possible reaction of both sides, then critics it. He started with the differences of the belief of mystics wherein he cited examples such as the Virgin of the Christians which would be disagreed by Protestants, the Archangel Gabriel and such. Indeed, Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, etc. would discredit and brand each other as untrustworthy. However, he said that mystics would argue that everyone should respect each others belief and wouldnt focus in their differences but instead look unto their similarities to strengthen their claim concentrating on the above mention things they tend to uphold. Then he asks what test can be applied to their unanimous evidence. Russell said that first hand information is vital in order to make someone believe your claim and this is promised by scientific investigations. Nonetheless, this questions yields to various answers such as a receptive frame of the mind, humility, fasting religious mediation, and breathing exercise. And so, if we succeeded, according to Russell, to feel in a certain time that time is unreal and experienced a state of mind that they describe, how then, shall we assess its reliability when we reverse to our normal states? Furthermore, mystics agree about the unreality of time. Russell said that if time is unreal, there would be no sequence of events and the cause and effect relationship of what we do would be nonsense. Our time markers for time such as before, after, tomorrow would become just mere utterances. Therefore, there would be no events; were just lost in the vastness of the cosmos, embracing what is said to be real in the temporal world. And if so, there would be neither improvement nor deterioration, no distinction between sorrow and happiness. And such views, according to Russell exterminate not only science but prudence, hope and effort which does not go along with what is important to religion morality and worldly wisdom. Mystics, however, would not accept this conclusion but urge doctrines which teach such. Russell cited Dean Inges disagreement with the region that focuses on evolution that stresses temporal process. Russell found himself in harmony with Inge, however, sought more than that, more inferences. It is imperative not to distort the doctrine of mysticism, in which the author thinks, there is a core of wisdom. Let us see how it seeks to avoid the extreme consequences which seem to follow from the denial of time, said Russell. The philosophy from Parmenides to Hegel is an example wherein the distinction between what he calls, reality and appearance, the way of truth and opinion. Difficulties could arise, however, at this point because if the relationship between them would become so intimate, all things whether pleasant or not would have their counterparts in reality, and if the relation is too limited, inferences cannot be made about the character of appearance to reality and reality would be vague Unknowable. On the other hand, he said that pantheism would be very difficult to avoid for Christians because if the world is only apparent, God created nothing, and the reality corresponding to the world is a part of God; but if the world is in any degree real and distinct from God, we abandon the wholeness of everything, which is an essential doctrine of mysticism, and we are compelled to suppose that, in so far as the world is real, the evil which it contains is also real. The Bishop of Birminghan also rejected all sorts of pantheism because if a man is actually a part of god, the evil in man is also God. Russell then moves to another argument which is the mystics denial of the world of sense. Assuming that the world reality is used in the context of law-courts, there would be no doubts in rejecting their claims because of the inconsistency of their testimonies and mundane moments. This resulted to the scrutiny of another sense which is emotion. And what Russell claims is that mysticism is an emotion and not a fact which does not assert anything and cannot be confirmed nor contradicted with science. Furthermore, he reiterated that science only demands a person on normal eyesight, normal consciousness, and normal behavior as opposed to religion which demands physical, psychological and mental alteration. He therefore concluded that mystical states which demands abnormal physical condition are just abnormal perceptions while normal perception, which is proved to aid in our life have correspondence with fact. He said that mystical experiences as emotions may have been the one responsible for providing breath, calmness and profundity wherein self-centered desires are dead, and the mind serves as a mirror of the infiniteness of the cosmos. And the assertions from these feelings are inessential for he cannot accept any method of arriving at the truth except of science. And that evil and good may have rooted from false beliefs. This article remains too rigid makes it sure that science is the only way of knowing things. Russell, till the very end of his article asserted that he cant accept other ways to verify the truth of a claim. This I disagree. As much as philosophy is concerned, I am deeply inclined of why David Hume included emotions and ideas as source of truth and or knowledge. No one, till now have solved this misery, I guess. Indeed, we are aware of the development of the pragmatic theory of truth which however, failed because of the relativity of human behavior. As the famous quotation goes, Experience is the best teacher. And I believe that there are things which we cannot share or make other people to believe because of the individual differences and experiences we have. We are unique individuals not just in our thoughts but in the biological foundation DNA. We even dont know ourselves much thats why we still use Freuds unconscious mind. Freuds theories were never proven correct; however, it is still used because nothing was used to verify its credibility. Same goes with religion, the metaphysical concepts that they have introduced has affected our lives and thats why we believe in it. It is faith, and we dont question it. Moreover, the contemporary issues that have arisen were about the dispute between evolution and creationism. It is a common misconception that they are contradictory to each other. That one must believe and choose between the two. We must take into account that evolution answers the question HOW and creationism answers the question WHO. Furthermore, I believe on both yet I am more convinced on creationism. Just like mysticism which miracles comes on unexpected times, felt the power and the good feeling it brings, the innate satisfaction and joy which is beyond comprehension is a manifestation that there divine intervention. This I believe on religion that there is divine being who makes all things possible which also depends on the persons beliefs and acts. It is the core of wisdom and knowledge that is applied to do the right thing or the other way around. It is the application of what we learn and experienced that leads us to what we believe and wanted to happen. What we act, do is nothing unless we can discern if it is right or wrong. This is what keeps us moving, changing, and progressing. This, however, when not carefully considered also cause adverse effects. I would like to connect this with Julian Rotters Locus of Control which tests whether individuals are governed by themselves or by faith or destiny. Because of my assertions in this paper, you may say that I have low locus of control, that my philosophies in life are dependent upon external situations.. Actually not, I am in the middle. I believe that I am responsible for my life; I am in control of what happens in my life. However, we cannot deny the fact that we are cultured affected by social interactions. As Plato has said, we are social animals. Furthermore, everything happens for a reason, everything in life is so interconnected. I have met people whom I wasnt connected to for 6 years and now weve become best of friends. Though, I believe that I am the one in control of my life, my beliefs however, are affected by outside forces, I have learned much from Russells argument; however, I am firm with my stand that we are free to choose about our basis of religious belief. He should not be enmeshed in determining if religious experiences might or might not be true, but should determine whether anything practical results from them. Finally, both of the essays have classified religious belief as emotion, and it is. The only difference is that the first accepted it in a humanistic way and the other has done it otherwise. Now, what is my ultimate basis of religious belief? It is subjective spiritual rather than existential. We have our own beliefs but its how we act that matters, how it affect ourselves and the people around us. Its the truth of life that matters. Science itself does not claim that they are the ultimate truth; they only claim that they are presenting the best interpretation of things so far. So does with religion, it is the best way we have interpreted our faith so far.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Big Brother Is Watching You Essay -- essays research papers
Big Brother Is Watching You      My name is Winston Smith, a man of 39 living in Oceania, and I am the last sane man on earth. I believe the date to be 1984, even though I have no real proof of it. London, as I know it, is a place devastated by hunger and disrepair. A place where every action and thought are closely monitored. For as long as I can remember, the Party has been in control. The principles of Ingsoc1 and Big Brother have been dictating public interest here since the 40s. Even though I have never known any other life, it feels like there is something inherently wrong with this one. Big Brother imposes a way of life that is intolerable to me. I have committed acts of subversion, violence, perversion, demoralization and more for the good of the Brotherhood2. I am a traitor, and the rest of the people of Oceania are empty headed automatons.      I seem to be the only person in possession of a memory. When I used to work for Minitrue3 in the records department, my job was to remove or rewrite incongruent bits of history from the Times and other periodicals. On occasion I would rewrite entire articles to favor of the Party and it’s predictions. There was one week when it was announced that the chocolate ration would be reduced to 20%. The next week there was an announcement that the ration would be raised to 20%! And no one noticed the lie that was told! Everyone believed that only a week from when their rations had b...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Eliot Spitzer Case Essay
Eliot Spitzer, attorney general of New York Investment Protection Bureau, was the leading regulator who changed the way many Wall Street firms do business. What he accomplished was nothing short of extraordinary – he has not only stood up for the investors against Wall Street giants, but he did so in such an aggressive but rightful manner that required much courage and sophistication. Many criticized Spitzer for his overly aggressive indictments and actions against Wall Street firms, which consisted releasing the Merrill Lynch’s incriminating emails on the national television as well as releasing firms’ civil charges to public before the court ruled on the case. However, his rationale behind it was that many Wall Street firms have taken shelters under legal settlements – usually led by SEC or other government regulation agencies – that would withhold the scandalous details of their charges and only require firms to pay some fines. These firms’ reputations would remain intact and the public would not have any awareness of the â€Å"corrupt business models†that many of these firms have been practicing. That is why many firms continue to make fraudulent, deceitful deals that would rip off their clients, and drive up their profitability, knowing that the worst case scenario is them getting caught and having a pay some type of fine to settle the case. Therefore, Spitzer releasing the incriminating details of Wall Street firms to the public, though a bit unorthodox, is fair in my opinion. He did so for a rightful reason – to use the power of publicity to implant fears of committing frauds into Wall Street executives’ minds. He wanted to build a stronger deterrent against Wall Street firms’ ill practices. In addition to that, Spitzer’s actions are also legitimized by a rarely known New York State law called Martin Act. This Act, once invoked by attorney general, can prohibit a firm from continuing its allegedly fraudulent practices. Attorney generals can then immediately expose the situation to the public while continue their investigation and gather more information until they are ready to file suit – which can be civil or criminally – against the firm. The act itself is designed to prevent fraud and deceitful practices. Spitzer used the Martin Act as his strongest vehicles to punish the di shonest Wall Street firms. Of course, no firms are â€Å"corrupt†by nature. Matter in fact, most of the Wall Street firms have Code of Ethics and Control systems in place to prevent their employees to practice fraudulently. However, the main problem is that although these policies are well-written in form, not much effort is spent by the firms to actually implement these policies and codes. For example, Merrill Lynch had policies requiring equities analysts to be totally objective, and yet most of its investment bankers acted as salesperson by manipulating reports on stock to attract and keep clients. Most of the fraudulent transactions were able to take place in these sophisticated, well-built Wall Street firms because these firms lacked strong internal control. The high incentive to generate revenue at all costs, the lack of transparency and information flow, and confusing ethical standard all contributed to the interest-conflicting corporate culture that many Wall Street firms have but refuse to ack nowledge. To have a strong internal control, the utmost important component is the â€Å"tone at the top†– a solid corporate governance. Strong corporate governance leads to a healthy control environment, which can really define the way a company functions and whether employees act on behalf of the best interest of the shareholders and clients. Aside from setting the mission statements, the top management should emphasize and enforce the values in professional integrity and ethical standard. Firms should set up proper Human Resource (HR) policies and training to make sure they have hired the right people who will do the right things. One of the major weaknesses in many Wall Street firms is their compensation structures. Many, if not all, Wall Street employees are rewarded by how much revenue they generate for the firm instead of the quality of service they provide to the customers. That is why investment bankers and stock analysts do not feel bad when they sold â€Å"junk†stocks to unsophisticated buyers as they are receiving multi-million dollars for doing so. Nonetheless, it is this form of distorted incentive that has pressured many to do unethical things even when they did not want to. Henry Blodget of Merrill’s Internal Research Group awarded InfoSpace highest recommended stock rating because Merrill’s Investment Banking (IB) division had an affiliation with an internet company that InfoSpace was going to acquire. He was pressured by the IB division, and eventually cooperated despite disagreeing because he was â€Å"paid to do so†. For â€Å"contributing†to Merrill’s IB operations, Henry’s annual â€Å"guaranteed†minimum cash bonus drastically increased from $3 million in 1999 to $12 million in 2001. HR should make more commitment to employee competence and evaluate them on the basis of the service quality instead of the profit-driven criteria. A better performance evaluation procedure can definitely enforce more ethical behaviors and due diligence within the firms. For many of these fraudulent practices to take place undetected and undeterred, it is clear that Wall Street firms also lacked check and balance. Have they properly enforced segregation of duties, authorization procedure, and documentation, it would make it much harder for these fraudulent transactions to go through. Analysts would review each other’s work to make sure trades are fairly assessed and authorized by the right senior personnel. Documentations are made so it would be easy for the manager to follow and back track the trade. Also more than one group of people would be working on the trade so they can all take responsibility for it if anything goes wrong. With proper check and balance, people would have less leeway to make ill-advised deals to the investors knowing that there are extra sets of eyes watching over them. These internal controls would have detected and prevented fraudulent transactions before they even had a chance to proceed. Wall Street firms would not have to worry about getting caught by the external parties – such as Spitzer’s and his crew – and face charges and public humiliation. In the 60 minute video we watched last class, Henry Markopolous complained about relative lack of action by SEC in moving to stop the Madoff scandal in its tracks. This point was reiterated again in this case as SEC played a rather passive role in the Merrill scandal as well as other fraud investigations Spitzer was involved in. It just seems that because SEC does an enormous number of investigations, it sets the limit of what it can do in terms investigation scope and response time to the fraud. Therefore, it made a strong enforcers like Spitzer even more if an important role for the public investors. Comparing to SEC’s long, formal procedure that requires committee voting to even issue a subpoena, Spitzer’s attorney generals’ office was a much more flexible, agile place where they can file suit with the court to take actions against fraud in a very short period of time. Spitzer’s use of publicity, although triggers criticisms such as â€Å"subverts due process to release undigested investigative files to the media before charges are filed†, was Spitzer’s way to show public the â€Å"shocking betrayal of trust†of some trusted Wall Street firms and allow the public to know what was going on. Given the authority by the Martin Act, Spitzer was able to sue the firms criminally as well, which means death sentence to any corporation. Nonetheless, Spitzer has never done so because his ultimate goal was not to â€Å"kill†the firm, but to rather remove the â€Å"tainted spots†from the firm, whether it is its CEO or any other executive position, so the firms can learn their lesson and become better corporate citizens – a result that ordinary settlements often fail to achieve. Therefore, I would conclude that Eliot Spitzer’s actions regarding Wall Street regulation were appropriate. Despite his sometime s extreme measures, no firms bankrupted and no employees lost their jobs. His greatest accomplishment came when he pushed Wall Street to its greatest reform since the Great Depression. On 2002, SEC, regulators, and the ten largest Wall Street firms agreed in principle to revise firms’ compensation plan to avoid conflicts of interest that have affected the research analysts’ independence and objectivity. The â€Å"Global Settlement†in 2003 has brought Wall Street giants – such as Credit Suisse First Boston, Merrill Lynch, and Salomon Smith Barney – to their knees with fraudulent charges which required a total of $1.4 billion fine to resolve the case. Spitzer has done the right thing to reform the Wall Street into a much more trustworthy business environment that would enhance the wellbeing of both investors and employees. It is clear that who is on the right side. Eliot did the right thing, given this authority by the Martin Act, to show It is a duty of a voter. And he used the authority for a good cause, which pushed Wall Street as SEC, Spitzer, I think Spitzer’s practices are fair because although he has the authority to He never did so because, but to rather allow the firms to learn their lesson –The Wall Street was successfully pushed to a reformation with his effort, and made it The problem with SEC is its conservative approach toward fraudsters. They are slow at reacting to frauds. Has too many investigations SEC has to handle. SEC has a formal procedures requiring the staff to vote from the five-member commission first to issue subpoenas and then to file suit. The enforcement and regulations were separate divisions in SEC: enforcers tended to focus on individual cases of wrongdoing while regulators looked at the overall pictures. Compare to SEC, Spitzer looked at both, and the attorney general’s office was a flexible, agile place where they can file an affidavit with the court at a very short time.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A analysis of Google quit Chinese market
Fourthly, the conflict between Google and Chinese government had upgrade to diplomatic emissions, the wise was both of two government solve this problem in intellect way. 2. 0 The company profile of Google Google is an American multinational corporation, which is worked on Internet service including search, cloud computing software and online advertising. The mission and vision of Google is to organize the world's Information and make it universally accessible and useful. As the culture of Google, they hire smart and determined people.Its employees share common goals and vision, but they hire people from all over the world. When they are not work, the offices environment like home and It Is leased. They have open culture, make every contributor feel comfortable. (Google, 2014) 2. 1 The introduction of Google's problem encountered in China The most of obvious problem is Google have conflict with Chinese government. At the beginning, Google was not obeyed Chinese Internet Censored regu lation. But under the pressure of Chinese government, Google tried to cooperate that is not approved by Chinese government, but it did arouse against in the rest of world.A internal problem from Google is they did not understand Chinese culture and language which make search engine Inefficiency. Google's business had been taking from Its competitor?Bald. According to high level report (San, 2007, p. 6) 3. 0 Evaluation of the Inter personal relationships affects the corporation's profit in China Interpersonal relationship means a strong, deep, or close association between two or more people. The interpersonal relationships are formed in the context of social, cultural, traditional and other elements.For most of people, they are likely to feel non-treatable with foreigners, which is hurting international business. Such as Google, it entered China as foreigners, it hard or Google to open Chinese market. Therefore, inter personal relationships allow build trust or even friendship, which is beneficial to corporation's business. Furthermore, Inter personal relationships allow International corporation know the local culture, which Is good for communication. Inter personal relationships can eliminate the barrier In communication, and offer high efficiency and unblocked communication and in respect way.Google do not know the Chinese culture and instead of English. Google did not realize it, its functions of mandarin is weak, so seers cannot get satisfy answer by Google search engine. Interpersonal relationship is based on culture, it is seemingly more vital in China than any rest of countries. The inter personal had been becoming indispensable social element which ensures social function operation, since thousands years ago, inter personal tradition had formed. The foreign corporation effort to enter China market, it is important to learn this culture.Apparently, Google did not figure out this issue, they did not understand culture, and try to use their successful exp erience in America to open Chinese market. They make their business operation too professionals and cool, which betrayed Chinese culture. Because the misunderstanding Chinese situation, they are not favorable for Chinese net citizens. Compare with national brand Baud, the local business are deeper understanding Chinese situation, Baud occupies more market than Google. For example, Baud has many functions which is understanding Chinese culture.Such as Baud Zooidal, it provides a platform to let Internet citizen ask question and answer. And Baud Tibet is very suitable to Chinese Internet citizens, they can communicate on the Tibet. Agreeably, it gathers the people who have common point. Furthermore, Baud search engine understands Chinese language, so user are easy to access what they want, but Google not. (Edward, 2010) Not only the Chinese business men work rely on inter personal relationships, but also are international corporations necessary have good relation with government and a uthorities.The good relation with government official provides the good communication that make international corporations deeper understand local regulations. It is helpful to international corporations which is not adopted Chinese environment to change and transform. However, Google are too late to realize this, they had been trying to work on Internet freedom and try to build this as brand image in first several years entered China market. The brand image was not successful as they expected. With the Baud's rise, Google had been losing market share, and having trouble with Chinese government.According high level report (John 2011, p 1) Hence, it is easier for Google to operate it businesses, if they have good inter personal relationships network as international corporations. It can allow the opportunities and bring profit. Without inter personal relationship is hard to move on in China, but friends can impart experience and help. As long as international corporation build good i nter personal relationship, they are likely to access success and harmony cooperation relations. According high level report (David, p 3) 4. Chinese Internet Management Begun in 2003, Chinese government built the Great Firewall, it can block some foreign websites and surveillance of the network. Any uncensored Internet information is found that will be immediately deleted or shielded. Strength of monitoring program A, Contain the Internet violence B, Contain the Internet rumor C, Keep harmful content away from child A, It impose restriction on Google information B, It hurt human rights and make Google be debatable. 4. 1 The strength of monitoring program In China, the Internet violence has been overflow, which can be controlled by program.A behavior called â€Å"Human flesh search†This action allows net citizens to dig up another net citizens' private information including real name, address, hand phone number, his employer and so on. The Chinese official and social expertis e judge this behavior is Internet violence and guilty. Hence, they persisted monitoring program which contained this behavior. â€Å"Human flesh search†did hurt huge number of people. Some person had action which is unaccepted to other net citizens. The latter would use â€Å"Human flesh search†dig up their information, and abuse, threaten the victims.And it also infringes upon citizen's legal rights, such as right to privacy. Meanwhile, the Great Firewall can intercept dirty language, personal abuse. In some degree, it does refine the Internet environment. The circumstance can be controlled by government. Google is so powerful and it search engine can be this crime's accessory. It is refine the environment of Google. So, for Google, this monitoring can help Google find the crime information, it is good for Google development. (ROB, 2012) The Internet rumor has been overflow, which also has been keeping down by the program.In China, the Internet rumor is seemingly wo rse than any rest of countries. Rumor disrupts normal social order and brings about panic, riot, which is immorality. The government has duty to crackdown on online rumors to give citizen a truth. The radical content can be kept away from children. Some information is ultra, which s full of violence, pornographic, and poison. The child can easily access that information. The appropriate management is benefit to child. The parents are not worry about that children read bad information. (Shannon, 2013) 4. The weakness of Internet management The monitoring system is so strong that cover whole Internet, it can surveillance privacy, stop information, shield search engine. Chinese government use it prohibit many things. It is violate human rights. In China, it is hard to separate the politically- motivated Internet management and protecting legitimate citizen's interest. The overspent takes advantage of the monitoring system to achieve political motivation. The content harmful government but it is truth can be intercepted. It is good for government to shield and cover truth.The research engine cannot provide information to Chinese citizens without government censored. Google is an organization which believes the Internet information freedom, it provide some information which can be harmful to Chinese government. The government use law And it is ruining Google's reputation. (Suburban, 2013) Google cannot provide some websites which are not allowed to access in China, such s Faceable and Youth. Chinese governments and authorities stop these websites from citizens. It does puzzle citizens to use Internet.On another hand, the pirate and tort information is full of Internet in China, the monitoring system like blind and no operation to this crime. Google pay attention on copyrights, but its competitor is not at all. In China, Baud which is the biggest competitor have been offering pirate and tort information under the monitoring system. The authorities are conniving nati onal corporation Baud and cause problem with Google that reduce its competitiveness. And net citizens are prefer Baud in China. According to high level report Anyone, 2011,p. 12) The censored system is so restrict that many useful information had been deleted.Google provides some acknowledge and ideology which also are prohibited, such as some chemistry principle, explode principle, and firearms acknowledge. The Chinese officials believe it can ensure society stabilization. â€Å"There are no explode, because no one can make it†It does puzzle learners have right purpose. Not only it violates human rights, but also does it perplexes Google operation. Google as requested to upgrade system to manage information and corporate the Great Firewall. Liking other Internet Corporation in China, Google had to invest huge sums on develop its monitoring systems.It wastes money and time, it reduces the corporation competitiveness. Furthermore, when the Great Firewall updating, these corpo ration business including Google can be affect. The condition of Internet become Jam and slow. (ROB, 2012) 5. 0 The importance of CAR in maintaining corporation international The CAR means the relationship between global corporations, government of countries, and individual people. The relationship between local society and corporation also is important. And the relationship between corporations with its stakeholders also cannot be forgotten.The stakeholders mean those effect corporation police and practices. Sustainability, the resource on the earth is limited, and corporations are the part of society. Hence, it is concerned that corporation how to use resource. As an international corporation, it behavior would be concerned, and public concerned its use of resource. It more likes morality restraint. And corporations pay attention on resource utilized which is responsible to society. Furthermore, sustainability not only about means resource, but also carrying capacity of the ecosys tem. Global corporations should concerned developing with care protection of ecosystem.They are powerful and taking more responsibility. The society is sustainability development and they can sustainability development. According to David (2008, app) concerned CAR is apparently important. The good action can build good brand awareness, such as charity. The media will help to advertise these beneficial actions, which is more worth that advertisement and promotion. (Craig, 2003, p. 21) For example, in China, Struck donates 1. 5 million US Dollar for training west rural teachers in poor areas, furthermore, this program also support poor students to finish their college study.Moreover, Struck are working on Education in China and Struck are the partner with women's Development Federation and Water and Sanitation Education Project. So, it is the reason of Struck is welcome in China. (Struck, 2006) 5. 1 The advice to Google Google have the privacy issues. As a global corporation, this pro blem had been across many countries. Marc believes that Google violate the global privacy tankards, and those issues are becoming as amusing as serious. Hence, the advice is respected the people's privacy right.It is important to build brand image to public, if Google hurt customer's privacy, which one are likely to use Google. And the different areas have different regulations of privacy, as a globe corporation, it is important to follow those different rules. Internal Google, they can set up a program to check any content that violent privacy. It is too late if external point out this behavior, which can quickly spread to world by media and bring harmful effect. According to high level report Anyone, 2006, p. ) The second advice is keeping away from China. It has a big share of search, in China.Chinese government insisted to censoring search content. Google had been agreeing with this censoring, but it against by rest of world. They believe the monitoring had violated the human ri ght. And the Chinese government still believed Google against the law under the cooperation. The censoring was betrayed Google's principle that respects Internet freedom and reality. Keeping cooperation would arouse the more oppose, including, Human right organization, reporter without burden and so on. In 006, some of demonstrator had the activity called â€Å"Mass Breakup with Google†.This activity protests the Google's cooperation with Chinese government. And demonstrators believe that Google break own principle of â€Å"Don't be evil†. Away from China, and refuse cooperation can build good brand image to rest of world, and the operation still work in Hong Kong. According high level report (Bassoon, 2007, p 10-15) 6. 0 The suggestion to lessen the political vulnerability between the government of USA and China There are many, complex, and rottenness conflicts between two countries. The deepest conflict is in ideology. China is governed by the communist party which b elieves the socialism with Chinese characteristics.Obviously, United States of America is the leader of capitalist countries. Both of two have so much difference in belief. Hence, it related and cause the specific conflicts. The biggest answers were requested censored by Chinese government. The international social believe it betray the principle of freedom of Internet, in further, it violates human rights. Although, Google effort to cooperate with Chinese government, the latter still believe Google default and provide porn information. In the Google sides, they assert hey suffer from Chinese hacker Internet attack.USA government requires Chinese government to protect the rights of Google. Yahoo can work in China, because it respects the Chinese regulation. Yahoo has totally legal operation in China. Yahoo is taking responsibility of CAR. Both of China and USA better keep calm. In front of the conflicts, both of two governments better keep restrain action and speech. Between two lar ge countries, they have to think about the long-term benefit and cooperation. Impulsion and extreme action will hurt long-term cooperation relations. As Google's issue, it is a commercial issue. The suggestion is keeping it to commerce problem.The public social can query Chinese government's strategy of treat Internet information. But, it is not smart for USA, as a government to interfere China internal affairs. It is not smart way to upgrade this issue to political problem that is making problem more complex. The deep communication and understand the culture and custom. Through the communication, both of sides can solve this issue in negotiations and dialogue. USA government can understand Chinese conditions and troubles. There are reasons for censored Internet information. USA government can figure out these reasons before action.Meanwhile, it is important to protect Google's right. Chinese government should investigate Internet attacks. Such as Yahoo, it also has business in Chin a, and it can have a good relation with Chinese government. Yahoo respects Chinese regulation, and the government has no issue with Yahoo. The communication is important to understand the policy of government. 7. 0 Conclusion For many reasons, Google had quite China in 2011. Corporation put website into Hong Kong, which is last part business in China. The biggest reason is Google misunderstanding of China situation.Without consider inter personal relationships, the wrong evaluation was hurt Google in China. The shortage of understanding language make search engine work inefficiency. The market share was declined in big degree. The conflicts with Chinese government were upgrading. The cooperation with Chinese government was suffering against with rest of world. In awkward situation, quite might be the best choose, it still can be helpful to build brand awareness to rest of world. As the conflicts had been caused the diplomatic tensions, the suggestion was that both of governments sol ved this issue, which better noninsured the long-term interest.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Difference Between Intrinsic and Instrumental Value
Difference Between Intrinsic and Instrumental Value The distinction between intrinsic and instrumental value is one of the most fundamental and important in moral theory. Fortunately, it is not difficult to grasp. You value many things, such as beauty, sunshine, music, money, truth, and justice. To value something is to have a positive attitude toward it and to prefer its existence or occurrence over its nonexistence or nonoccurence. You can value it as an end, as a means to some end, or both. Instrumental Value You value most things instrumentally, that is, as a means to some end. Usually, this is obvious. For instance, you value a washing machine that works- purely for its useful function, or instrumental value. If there were a very cheap cleaning service next door that picked up and dropped off your laundry, you might use it and sell your washing machine because it no longer has any instrumental value to you. One thing nearly everyone values to some extent is money. But it is usually valued purely as a means to an end. It has instrumental value: It provides security, and you can use it to purchase things you want. Detached from its purchasing power, money is just a pile of printed paper or scrap metal. Intrinsic Value There are two notions of intrinsic value. It can be: Valuable in itself Valued by someone for its own sake If something has intrinsic value in the first sense, this means that the universe is somehow a better place for that thing existing or occurring. Utilitarian philosophers like John Stuart Mill claim that pleasure and happiness are valuable in and of themselves. A universe in which a single sentient being is experiencing pleasure is better than one in which there are no sentient beings. It is a more valuable place. Immanuel Kant holds that genuinely moral actions are intrinsically valuable. He would say that a universe in which rational beings perform good actions from a sense of duty is an inherently better place than a universe in which this doesn’t happen. The Cambridge philosopher G.E. Moore says that a world containing natural beauty is more valuable than a world without beauty, even if there is no one there to experience it. To these philosophers, these things are all valuable in and of themselves. This first notion of intrinsic value is controversial. Many philosophers would say that it makes no sense to talk about things being valuable in themselves unless they are actually valued by someone. Even pleasure or happiness are only intrinsically valuable because they are experienced by someone. Value for Its Own Sake Focusing on the second sense of intrinsic value, the question arises: What do people value for its own sake? The most obvious candidates are pleasure and happiness. People value many things- wealth, health, beauty, friends, education, employment, houses, cars, and washing machines- because they think those things will give them pleasure or make them happy. It may seemingly make sense to ask why people want them. But both Aristotle and Mill pointed out that it doesn’t make sense to ask why a person wants to be happy. Most people value not only their own happiness, they also value the happiness of other people. They are sometimes willing to sacrifice their own happiness for the sake of someone else’s. People also sacrifice themselves or their happiness for other things, such as religion, their country, justice, knowledge, truth, or art. Those are all things that convey the second characteristic of intrinsic value: They are valued by someone for their own sake.
Monday, October 21, 2019
None Example
None Example None – Coursework Example Price Ceiling January 11, Price Ceiling Price ceiling is implemented in a bid to avoid consumer exploitation by ensuring that the basic commodities are available at affordable prices. In the oil industry, the prices have been sky rocketing thus adversely affecting the economy. This is mainly because it constitutes a significant percentage of energy sources. In the implementation of price control, consideration on the cause of rise in fuel prices should be considered. In some instances, the main cause of the rise in the prices is the shortage in supply. Under such circumstances, price ceiling is not a solution. As such, increasing production and use of other alternative sources of energy could be the ultimate solution (Whittington & Delaney, 2011). The forces of demand and supply determine the equilibrium point. As such if the price ceiling is above the equilibrium price, then it has no effect on the economy. When price ceiling is below the equilibrium price, adverse consequences such as supply shortage due to increased demand and reduced production as a larger group of the population will be able to purchase the commodity (McEachern, 2011). Moreover lowering of quality in a bid to reduce production cost, discrimination, and the increased use of black market is evident (Arnold, 2010). Due to the shortage, queuing for the product is evident with the elderly and physically challenged being disadvantaged. This is usually addressed through rationing. When operating in the black market, the customers are not protected and therefore they could encounter violence or even theft (Mankiw, 2011). Thus, when the gasoline prices rises above $4 and the government places a price ceiling, consideration is necessary as if implemented for long could have adverse effects on the economyReferencesArnold, R. A. (2010). Microeconomics. Stamford, Connecticut, USA: Cengage Learning. Mankiw, N. G. (2011). Principles of Microeconomics. Stamford, Connecticut, USA: Cengage Learning.McEacher n, W. A. (2011). Macroeconomics. Stamford, Connecticut, USA: Cengage Learning.Whittington, O. R. & Delaney, P. R. (2011). Wiley CPA Examination Review, Outlines and Study Guides. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. None Example None – Essay Example Contrast between the approach employed by Mahathir towards the indigenous business people in Malaysia with the one taken by Suharto in Indonesia. Thepolitical regime in Malaysia is composed of a multi-party system. Its political process is "consociationalism" meaning, the interests of the community are resolved within the grand coalition framework. Over the recent years, there has been increased media coverage in politics making it transparent to the citizens. Malaysia is a multi-cultural nation whose population comprises of three main groups namely ethnic Indian, ethnic Chinese and Bumiputera. Of the three groups, the Bumiputera are the indigenous people. During the period of British rule in Malaysia, the ethnic Chinese grew to be the dominant ethnic group in the Malaysia’s business sector. This brought tension between them and the Bumiputera after independence. This led to the adoption of a new economic policy in an attempt to equalize power between the Chinese minorities who were dominant in business with the Bumiputeras. This economic policy was instituted by Mahathir bin Mohamed, Malaysia’s Prime Minister in 1981 (Gomez and Jomo 1997). Gomez and Jomo (1997) explain that the new business policy was meant to equalize business power between the Bumiputera, and the ethnic Chinese. Through this policy, Mahathir gave preferences to Bumiputera, the indigenous Malaysian over the ethnic Chinese. For example, it required that companies which exceeded a certain size should have a Bumiputera partner. Though the policy did not last long, it brought long lasting harmonious existence in the business sector between the two groups. In the other hand, ethnic Chinese comprise just a small percentage of the Indonesian population. Despite this, they also control a bigger share of the wealth of the nation (Victor 1992). This greatly disadvantaged the indigenous Indonesian business people given the existing economic policies that did not fight for them. For example, during the time of the reign of Suharto, he favored the economic aspects of Chinese. Suharto’s favor towards the economic aspects of the Chinese caused the Chinese business community to be advantaged over the indigenous business community for a long time. As a result of this, the indigenous people held sentiments towards this (BBC News). We can therefore say that Suharto failed to accord equal opportunities for the indigenous business as compared to Malaysia’s Mahathir. This situation led to hatred towards the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia. Recently, there has been violence in Indonesia which target the ethnic Chinese population. Conclusion Mahathir towards the indigenous business people in Malaysia entailed the equalization of business power between the indigenous Bumiputeras and the ethnic Chinese. Contrastingly, Suharto’s approach to did not offer such equal opportunities for business to the indigenous business people. As a result of the two contrasting approaches, Malaysia has become an example of interethnic harmony during the period of economic crisis opposed to Indonesia where thousands of ethnic were massacred during the 1997, anti-Chinese riots. Such hatred emerges from the sentiments held by the people towards being disadvantaged economically in their own country. References BBC News (21st May, 1998). The role of ethnic Chinese. Online: Viewed on 25th May, 2011. Gomez Edmund and Jomo, K. (1997). Malaysias Political Economy: Politics, Patronage, and Profits. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. Victor David (1992). International Business Communication. HarperCollins. New York. Discussion questions 1. What motivated Suharto to have a discriminative approach to the indigenous business people? Chinese are naturally business people and their involvement in Indonesian business was likely to drive the country’s economy to greater heights. The Chinese were more able in terms of capital which encouraged the seting up of private businesses to boost the economy. Suharto had married a Chinese woman 2. Did Suharto’s approach to the indigenous business people disadvantage them alone the whole economy? It led to increased food prices It lowered employment rate as Chinese firms imported cheap labor from china Led to a substantial net flow of profits as Chinese businesses channeled profits to their home country. None Example None – Coursework Example Buy one, get one free Buy one; get one free is a sales promotion strategy usually adopted by marketers to attract s. They know the psychologyof the consumers very well and try to exploit it with help of ads like these. It should be noted that no non-charitable business groups can offer anything free to the customers. If they offer something free, definitely that price of the free product will be included in the price of actual product purchased. It is evident that a business group cannot survive for longer periods if they keep on providing free gifts to its customers. The prices of products offered on â€Å"buy one get one free†basis often end up in buying two products at the regular price. For example, if the seller offers you a product for $ 500 on buy one get one free basis, the actual price of the single product could be $ 250 only. In other words, â€Å"the markets have priced the free item into the price of the first item†(Lu) Consumers may not aware of it and t hey will be trapped by the marketers. In normal cases, it is not necessary for the governments to regulate promotions like these since business groups have the right to publish eye catching advertisements to attract customers. However, it is the duty of the governments to warn the people about the baselessness of such advertisements. It should be noted that tobacco companies need to display the statutory warning against smoking on all advertisements. Governments can think in terms of enforcing such measures on buy one get one free ads also in order to warn the people about the tricks involved in such ads. To conclude, buy one get one free is a fraudulent marketing activity performed by business people to attract customers and it should be regulated with the help of laws. Works citedLu Xin. â€Å"Why "Buy One Get One Free" Is Usually A Bad Deal†. 2008. Web 05 January 2012.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A Bathing ape
This assessment is aiming to outline the marketing strategies of the â€Å"A Bathing Ape†company from several viewpoints. A Bathing Ape Company, which formed and took off in Japan, they manufacture a mixture of products and service on a global scale. Nigo, a Japanese DJ founded the company in 1993. The brand popularity was one of main purpose of their success, even though they have a high pricing policy. However, their supplies are not equal to their demands their customers desired product and their production is limited. Therefore the buyer has to be fast in deciding if he wants the product before it goes out of stock. A Bathing Ape targets the hip hop and fashion scene (Rocherfort). This scarce amount of manufacturing gives the customers a uniqueness feeling, which leads to a high customer satisfaction. There will be further detailed information on the company’s marketing policies afterwards in the report. This project has been done by a group five student for the module â€Å"Principles of Marketing†and it is based on the marketing tactic of 4 Ps. There have been a number of research strategies such as online sources, observation, articles, interviewing a store manager, and sources from the university library. The report and its allied presentation are due on Monday 22nd of November 2010. Company history There are 19 stores in Japan. The other three countries are Hong Kong, London, Paris, and New York, which will be mentioned about more. A Bathing Ape clothing is produced in limited amounts as they are very exclusive and this enables the company to set their price higher than other brands. Many well-known celebrities such as Lil Wayne, Pharrell Williams, Jay Z, Kid Cudi, and Robbie Williams collaborate with A Bathing Ape marketing strategies (Hall, 2005). The business also manufactures shoes and clothing as well as accessories and toys. These products are manufactured and distributed only by A Bathing Ape and their â€Å"Busy Works†stores around the world. Their exclusivity and celebrity endorsements have been profitable for the brand. People use A Bathing Ape products to their advantage as their constantly changes their products in stores, which makes consumers trade A Bathing Ape products. Kid Cudi (the rapper) used to work at A Bathing Ape store in New York until he made it big in the hip-hop industry. Kid Cudi now has teamed up with Nigo and they use Kid Cudis fame to their marketing advantage. They also release special edition t-shirts at these events. The A Bathing Ape Company also operates Bape Hair Salon and they have cafes known as â€Å"Bape!? †They also have futuristic designed shops with designed glass displays and gives technological shopping experiences. A Bathing Ape was one of the first companies to introduce Kevlar clothing into urban wear as a product. Nigo’s designs foreshadowed the urban hip-hop style that has come to prevail as a dominant youth fashion in Japan. A Bathing Apes product, place, price and promotion will be discussed more in depth. Product The Bathing Ape brand has a wide range of unique products. A Bathing Ape makes products such as toys, jeans, bags, monogrammed condoms, Iphone cases, underwear, watches, t-shirts, polo’s and shoes. A Bathing Ape sets their prices high as there products can be limited and traded. Nigo has designed most of the company’s products. A Bathing Ape clothing is well recognized because of its flashy designs and original artwork. The company also has unique packaging for their products. They introduced the Tee Box, which is a glass metal box which polo shirts come in and have other t shirts in free hanging boxes. A Bathing Ape always collaborates with other brands to combine products. Some companies that A Bathing Ape has collaborated with is Pepsi, M*A*C, and Carhartt. The logo and theme were derived from the original movie â€Å"Planet of the Apes. †A Bathing Apes logo can be found on all of their products. As A Bathing Ape offers the market a wide range of products such as dog clothing to sunglasses it can attract a large market. Nigo labeled â€Å"Ape Shall Never Kill Ape†on most of his products when he was first becoming recognized. Nigo gave his products to famous Japanese artist to wear during their performances to increase the brands exposure. What makes A Bathing Apes products so valuable is that they don’t mass-produce like other companies. A Bathing Ape does not only offer products to the market but services as well. The business operates Bape Cafes, Bape Galleries, Bape Cuts (Hair salon) and they even have Bape TV as well as a record label. A Bathing Ape is known for their camouflage designs as it their classic pattern. The company’s products first began appearing on the back streets of Tokyo’s edgy neighborhood (Pollock, 2008). Place The Bathing Apes stores are located globally . Because it is a high- end brand their stores need to be located in famous central areas. For example London’s Carnaby Street is known for its unique and limited edition clothing. Further these popular areas have brands such as Adidas placed there, with their limited edition stores, as do many other brands. The London store is nothing compared to the interior decor that the other stores use to attract customers. Aoyama the A Bathing Ape store in Japan has very technological designs. Shoes are placed behind a glass cage on a rotating conveyer belt and t-shirts come down tubes with just the push of a button. The emphasis of changing lights and colorful designed clothes attract their customers. A Bathing Ape store also provides their staff with A Bathing Ape clothing to wear while they work. This similar strategy is used by many other brands such as Hollister, Abercrombie and Fitch, and Polo. The Hong Kong Bape store is the largest Nigo owns its 2 levels high and located in the centre of the city. The store has huge pictures of Nigo and A Bathing Ape characters to advertise their brand. The company store De Colette in Paris is the only store that features individual areas for other brands such as Billionaire Boys Club and Ice Cream. De Colette also has a unique designed cafe, which adds to the A Bathing Ape shopping experience. The store in New York uses the same concept as the other stores. Promotion A Bathing Apes style of promotion is very distinctive to other clothing brands as they do not want to tarnish their brand image they never lower the price of their clothing or have sales. The brand knows that many of their products the demand exceeds the supply greatly and they use this to their advantage for example A Bathing Ape shark hoodies were sold for ? 300 but once they were immediately sold out people were reportedly paying into the thousands for them. The main way in which A Bathing Ape promotes its self without tarnishing the brand image is smart they collaborate with other brands such as Adidas on some pairs of limited edition sneakers. A Bathing Ape does promotions like this all the time with many other well-known brands such as Carhartt. By doing these type of promotions they get a lot of publicity as well as more outside interest in their brand and still charge more than their usual price. A Bathing Ape also collaborate with many well-known celebrities such as Kanye West, Kid Cudi and Ian brown on selected items, which would be made even more limited edition. When A Bathing Ape produce all of these items they will make sure they get every detail of their design even into their packaging for example the A Bathing Ape x Marvel sneakers are packed into toy like packaging which makes the product stand out on shelves and look unique. A Bathing Ape is a company which has products on sale which are constantly a promotional products such as during the summer they released A Bathing Ape x Birkenstocks which where A Bathing Ape monogrammed Birkenstock sandals this would be just one of their summer collaborations. By collaborating with brands like Adidas and Birkenstock who already have a large customer base this would attract a lot of attention to the bathing ape brand. With promotions like these help both of the brands market their products for example when A Bathing Ape teamed up with Casio and re designed the classic G-shock watch, which was a top seller during the 90’s era. The watches were first released in ceramic white and mate black they turned out to be top sellers and only 1500 of each were produced many people wanted to get their hands on one of these watches because they were on the front page of magazines and constantly in music videos. Not long after the replica market noticed the demand for A Bathing Ape goods and started producing the replicas of the watches so that most of the public were able to obtain a replica. A Bathing Ape mainly relies on hip-hop celebrities to market their brand via music videos and in their lyrics. They are not just targeting a stereotype they are targeting a lifestyle. Price A Bathing Ape has an effective pricing policy that runs throughout all their stores. The company uses the same pricing range for their product globally. A Bathing Ape does not have discounts on their products making them all valuable. Additionally they do not have wholesale and seasonal pricing. They also keep their exclusivity by not dealing with retail stores. Another good aspect of the A Bathing Ape’s pricing method is that they offer Bape cards in which customers can earn credit points by purchasing products. This also is beneficial to the company as they can study shopping patterns to see which products are in demand. Their limited edition products never depreciate in value which mean even the used good may value more expensive that the brand new of the same products. For instant, because of their limited edition production policy, a used pair of shoes would cost more when it is out of stock. Conclusion: To conclude, the four P’s of the marketing mix play a huge role in the success of A Bathing Ape. The company produces and sells a wide variety of products that attract most target markets. They sell products from t-shirts, jeans and shoes to toys and pencil cases to watches. All of the products the company produces are limited edition so they run out quickly. This technique makes the customers go to the store as quickly as possible and buy the product they want as soon as it comes out into stores. The company also promotes its brand name by making deals with huge multinational corporations such as Pepsi. The prices of A Bathing Ape’s products are the same in every single country that they have stores in. The company doesn’t usually have discounts or sales in specific stores. The prices of the products always remain the same no matter what part of the year it is. A Bathing Ape has stores in many countries around the world including Japan, Hong Kong, United Kingdom and the United States. The locations of the company’s stores are in the very urban parts of the city, especially within large shopping centers.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Will You Sign the Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Will You Sign the Constitution - Essay Example Thus, on the fact that the US constitution did not achieve its aim, I would not sign this constitution as there are some flaws in the US constitution that some Americans are actually using against their fellow Americans on the issue of slavery due to the comprises in the constitution (Levinson, 2006). If I had been in Independence Hall on September 17, 1787, I would have endorsed the US constitution. The reason for my resolve to endorse the constitution is not far-fetched. The fact that, I was opportune as one of the few elites to set America on the path of freedom is enough factor that would propel me to endorse this constitution. Though, this may seem rather sentimental, but the fact of the matter is that, I would be happy to be part of the people that would create a country that dwells on the ideals of freedom of equality. Thus, if I was in Independence Hall on the 17th of September, 1787, I would have endorsed this
GBN Scenarios Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
GBN Scenarios - Essay Example Following a five-year intensive research at Sample Laboratories, scientists have come up with a polymer that could act as a replacement for newsprint paper as the new medium for printing. It is fully recyclable, eliminating the need for the education sector to adopt the use of costly information technology as a medium for printing, teaching and learning. The polymer has been tried in several schools and printing presses and has been found to have similar qualities with paper for the retention of ink. However, this is not what makes the new polymer unique; it is its ability to be reused once the user has had enough of the printed material. According to Sample Laboratories, the ink printed on the polymer can be extracted after a period of up to 30 years, diluted in specified ratios, and reused. Therefore, unlike information technology that requires the education sector to readjust to a new form of teaching and learning, researchers have come up with a new material for doing things the old way, but now more sustainably than ever. Several stakeholders in the education sector have already recommended the discovery; however, they have warned institutions against using the polymer in its exclusivity. Since it is in the early stages of adoption, they recommend its simultaneous use with paper and digital based materials. It is likely that institutions may adopt the new technology even before the governments authorize its use in the education sector, especially since regulators have declared it safe for use. Sample Laboratories have encouraged the use of the paper substitute by giving enticing offers to their customers; including discounts for institutions that buy the new paper in bulk. In addition, the firm is giving ink freely to anyone who purchases their invention, which is accompanied by a 10-year warranty. Sample Laboratories are also offering the polymer cleaning solvent for
Case Study review on Metabolic Abnormalities in Early Psychosis Article
Case Study review on Metabolic Abnormalities in Early Psychosis - Article Example These side-effects pose a challenge because of the extra risk that they bring in as well as the possible non-compliance to prescription that may result when patients fear to take the medications because of their associated effects. The review looks at various research articles that seek to understand the effect of antipsychotics in order to understand their relative effects and possible side-effects. The article reviews are also used in making decisions with regard to a case study of a patient under first-episode psychosis treatment using atypical antipsychotics and already showing side-effects. Introduction Psychosis treatment has relied on antipsychotics for a very long time. The first generation antipsychotics (FGAs) fell out of favoured use due to less effectiveness and a number of associated side-effects. They were replaced by second generation antipsychotics (SGAs), which are more effective. The FGAs were linked to a number of side-effects including extrapyramidal reactions suc h as akathasia, tachycardia, tardive dyskinesia, impotence and seizures among many other. These side-effects have necessitated the use of other drugs such as anticholinergics in order to handle the resultant side-effects such as motor side effects. ... A number of researches have been conducted to determine the effects of atypical antipsychotics on abnormalities in lipid and glucose metabolism as well as weight gain, otherwise known as metabolic syndrome (MetS). The MetS denotes a combination of increased waist circumference and any of the following two abnormal conditions-a low high density lipoprotein level, hypertension, and high levels of serum triglycerides and/or fasting blood glucose. The fact that both generations of drugs present various side-effects poses greater challenge for practitioners trying to make decisions on which medication to apply in FPP cases. The dilemma on typical versus atypical antipsychotics; as well as whether to use atypical psychotics in FEP considering their potentially negative effects on diabetes and cardiovascular conditions makes this an interesting choice for review. The case study and articles’ review specifically reviews three research articles in relation to the case study in question . The first article reviews the development of metabolic abnormalities as a result of atypical antipsychotics on patients receiving these drugs for FEP through a cross sectional, naturalistic retrospective study. The article’s objective is to develop recognition of the impact of atypical antipsychotics in developing metabolic abnormalities in young patients under FEP treatment. The second article examines results from a naturalistic and prospective study in which the effects of antipsychotic drugs on the development of MetS are monitored through the measurement of weight and serum levels of insulin, glucose and lipids. The third article delves into the issue of providing evidence that can support or discredit the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
How do you define Academic Freedom and Academic Duty. How might these Essay
How do you define Academic Freedom and Academic Duty. How might these concepts contrast and what are some of the dilemmas that may arise as a result - Essay Example Academic freedom is the liberty to disseminate information or teach as someone deems fit, to do research in any of the area of choice of the researcher without any restraint and to ascertain and disseminate novel ideas irrespective of their controversial nature (Kennedy, 1997, Page 1, Line 3-6). As in other types of conventional freedoms, governments, individuals and authorities are required to permit the researchers to work with complete freedom and ensure that freedom in such work is not hindered.In fact, academic freedom requires the society to provide such an environment which nourishes novel notions and allows the scholars to freely express them. Historically, the world has seen quite a number of examples which depict the importance of academic freedom. Many famous intellectuals and researchers were sentenced to death or life imprisonment for preaching their novel ideas. For instance Socrates had to see the face of gallows for preaching and corrupting Athens’s youth. Similarly, Galileo advocated Solar System’s Copernican view and was thus imprisoned for life. Descartes had to restrain himself from writing controversial notes to avoid trouble. Many teachers had to lose their jobs for teaching Darwin’s theory to their students. Although ideas of these great scholars and researchers were able to survive, it is not known that how many ideas were not allowed to ne promulgated due to lack of academic freedom(Robinson & Moulton, 2002, Page 1, Line 7-12). The practice of inhibiting academic freedom can also be seen in the modern history. In 1950s, anti-communist sentiment broke and universities were pressurized by Wil liam Jenner and Joseph McCarthy in the house and senate respectively to fire teachers whose ideas were considered sympathetic towards aims of the communists. The authorities and governments of those times variedly reacted to the situation however, this pressurization led to the universities to protect the academic freedom of
Entrepreneurial Strategy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Entrepreneurial Strategy - Term Paper Example According to Amit, Brigham and Markman â€Å"entrepreneurial strategies let people to be innovative, creative and responsible for decisions they make†(Meyer & Heppard, 2000).As a result of pursuing entrepreneurial strategies, companies put themselves in a situation to frequently and systematically recognize and exploit entrepreneurial opportunities.Enterpreneurial strategy involves a persistent, managerially sanctioned pattern of innovation related activities and resource allocations that compose a component of the company’s inclusive corporate strategy (Russell, page 640). This thesis will dwell majorly on entrepreneurial strategy concerning its importance/significance, opportunity recognition; .Current theories on economic literature explain strategy adoption according to forces of the competitive environment. Importance of Entrepreneurial Strategies Designing of business plan An entrepreneurial company develops innovations slowly.Explotation tends to force out explo ration and the company hits a performance crisis. Small companies have to balance exploration and exploitation. At some point in small companies at the start of the lifecycle design and innovation capability gets relegated in order to bring in the profits from the idea on which the firm was founded. Successfully spotting change factors, assessing their significance, reacting and adapting creates long term values. This can only be achieved by having a entrepreneurial strategy. Innovation The global environment moves faster all the time, innovation and its partner change are requirements for survival and success. Innovation often the foundation of creations is vital for any company to compete effectively in the twenty first century. Building on the importance of entrepreneurial action, Smith and DiGregorio explain that the fundamental nature of entrepreneurialship is newness, new resources, new clients, new markets, new combination of existing resources and clients. They put forward t hat equilibrating actions are based on both existing and related resources that modify existing knowledge about markets. In dissimilarity disequilibrating consequences are based on both existing but unrelated resources that are incompatible with existing mental methods. Execution of corporate entrepreneurship strategies is important and can play a major role in the success of efforts to produce innovation in companies. The development of a new proposal requires the recombination of existing knowledge and its extensions (Bettis & Hitt, 1995). Creating new businesses requires new knowledge which is necessary because new businesses are based on technologies that differ from currently employed companies. These new businesses function in new markets, making it a necessity for the company to develop knowledge of how to use new technology and compete effectively in the new market. Their work explains the inertia that sometimes occurs with larger successful companies. Many companies are usi ng alliances and networks to acquire knowledge that is critical for innovation and implementation. Entrepreneurial Resources Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial companies identify and exploit opportunities that competitors have not discovered or underexploited. An appropriate location of resources is needed to identify entrepreneurial opportunities with the utmost potential returns and to be used as a disciplined approach to exploit them (McGrath & MacMillan, 2000).The entrepreneurial s
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Case Study review on Metabolic Abnormalities in Early Psychosis Article
Case Study review on Metabolic Abnormalities in Early Psychosis - Article Example These side-effects pose a challenge because of the extra risk that they bring in as well as the possible non-compliance to prescription that may result when patients fear to take the medications because of their associated effects. The review looks at various research articles that seek to understand the effect of antipsychotics in order to understand their relative effects and possible side-effects. The article reviews are also used in making decisions with regard to a case study of a patient under first-episode psychosis treatment using atypical antipsychotics and already showing side-effects. Introduction Psychosis treatment has relied on antipsychotics for a very long time. The first generation antipsychotics (FGAs) fell out of favoured use due to less effectiveness and a number of associated side-effects. They were replaced by second generation antipsychotics (SGAs), which are more effective. The FGAs were linked to a number of side-effects including extrapyramidal reactions suc h as akathasia, tachycardia, tardive dyskinesia, impotence and seizures among many other. These side-effects have necessitated the use of other drugs such as anticholinergics in order to handle the resultant side-effects such as motor side effects. ... A number of researches have been conducted to determine the effects of atypical antipsychotics on abnormalities in lipid and glucose metabolism as well as weight gain, otherwise known as metabolic syndrome (MetS). The MetS denotes a combination of increased waist circumference and any of the following two abnormal conditions-a low high density lipoprotein level, hypertension, and high levels of serum triglycerides and/or fasting blood glucose. The fact that both generations of drugs present various side-effects poses greater challenge for practitioners trying to make decisions on which medication to apply in FPP cases. The dilemma on typical versus atypical antipsychotics; as well as whether to use atypical psychotics in FEP considering their potentially negative effects on diabetes and cardiovascular conditions makes this an interesting choice for review. The case study and articles’ review specifically reviews three research articles in relation to the case study in question . The first article reviews the development of metabolic abnormalities as a result of atypical antipsychotics on patients receiving these drugs for FEP through a cross sectional, naturalistic retrospective study. The article’s objective is to develop recognition of the impact of atypical antipsychotics in developing metabolic abnormalities in young patients under FEP treatment. The second article examines results from a naturalistic and prospective study in which the effects of antipsychotic drugs on the development of MetS are monitored through the measurement of weight and serum levels of insulin, glucose and lipids. The third article delves into the issue of providing evidence that can support or discredit the
Entrepreneurial Strategy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Entrepreneurial Strategy - Term Paper Example According to Amit, Brigham and Markman â€Å"entrepreneurial strategies let people to be innovative, creative and responsible for decisions they make†(Meyer & Heppard, 2000).As a result of pursuing entrepreneurial strategies, companies put themselves in a situation to frequently and systematically recognize and exploit entrepreneurial opportunities.Enterpreneurial strategy involves a persistent, managerially sanctioned pattern of innovation related activities and resource allocations that compose a component of the company’s inclusive corporate strategy (Russell, page 640). This thesis will dwell majorly on entrepreneurial strategy concerning its importance/significance, opportunity recognition; .Current theories on economic literature explain strategy adoption according to forces of the competitive environment. Importance of Entrepreneurial Strategies Designing of business plan An entrepreneurial company develops innovations slowly.Explotation tends to force out explo ration and the company hits a performance crisis. Small companies have to balance exploration and exploitation. At some point in small companies at the start of the lifecycle design and innovation capability gets relegated in order to bring in the profits from the idea on which the firm was founded. Successfully spotting change factors, assessing their significance, reacting and adapting creates long term values. This can only be achieved by having a entrepreneurial strategy. Innovation The global environment moves faster all the time, innovation and its partner change are requirements for survival and success. Innovation often the foundation of creations is vital for any company to compete effectively in the twenty first century. Building on the importance of entrepreneurial action, Smith and DiGregorio explain that the fundamental nature of entrepreneurialship is newness, new resources, new clients, new markets, new combination of existing resources and clients. They put forward t hat equilibrating actions are based on both existing and related resources that modify existing knowledge about markets. In dissimilarity disequilibrating consequences are based on both existing but unrelated resources that are incompatible with existing mental methods. Execution of corporate entrepreneurship strategies is important and can play a major role in the success of efforts to produce innovation in companies. The development of a new proposal requires the recombination of existing knowledge and its extensions (Bettis & Hitt, 1995). Creating new businesses requires new knowledge which is necessary because new businesses are based on technologies that differ from currently employed companies. These new businesses function in new markets, making it a necessity for the company to develop knowledge of how to use new technology and compete effectively in the new market. Their work explains the inertia that sometimes occurs with larger successful companies. Many companies are usi ng alliances and networks to acquire knowledge that is critical for innovation and implementation. Entrepreneurial Resources Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial companies identify and exploit opportunities that competitors have not discovered or underexploited. An appropriate location of resources is needed to identify entrepreneurial opportunities with the utmost potential returns and to be used as a disciplined approach to exploit them (McGrath & MacMillan, 2000).The entrepreneurial s
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Analysis of the Personality Traits of Steve Jobs Essay Example for Free
Analysis of the Personality Traits of Steve Jobs Essay Steve Jobs is arguably one of the most successful CEOs of our times. In his time at Apple and Pixar he has redefined business across the Computing, Music and Mobile communications industries. In spite of being a college dropout he has gone on to become a technology and a business icon. His ability to achieve extraordinary success against tremendous odds makes him an extremely interesting personality to study. Following are his key personality traits. 1)Charismatic Charisma refers to the ability of a person to be able to mesmerise and hold the attention of others. Steve Jobs has charisma in ample abundance. His talks at the annual Macworld Expo have an attendance akin to that of a rock concert. People from all over the world flock in to listen to him for hours together as he delivers his famed talks on technology, innovation and Apple products. 2)Ingenious Ingenious is a rare personality trait that enables an individual to be clever, original and innovative. Prior to the launch of the iPod, the entire industry was looking at desktop publishing and the internet as new sources of revenue. Steve Jobs however was among the few who realised that there was latent demand in the MP3 player segment. He followed up on his insight by launching an iPod which had extremely innovative functions and a unique design. The product captured the attention of the world and along with his other innovation iTunes went on to change the way the world listens to music. Quite clearly he is an ingenious person. 3)Persistent Persistence is the ability of a person to stick to his convictions in spite of huge obstacles. With regard to this an early manager of his had commented that Steve never takes â€Å"no†for an answer For him â€Å"no†is only a comma and never a full stop. He will keep coming back till his objective is achieved. Years later his persistence was in ample display as he stubbornly stood his ground against internal opposition to his unconventional plan to turnaround Apple. 4)Unempathetic Empathy is the ability of an individual to understand Steve Jobs is known for pushing his employees to extreme limits. He is known for firing his employees often in an erratic fashion. This shows that he is unempathetic to people around him.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Analysis Of Short Story Daisy Miller
Analysis Of Short Story Daisy Miller It is very interesting to analyze this short novel à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Daisy Miller written by Henry James. This novel has a lot of fascinating things ready to be discovered and understood, and behind the story of the novel a lot of symbols are hidding ready to be dyscovered and understood. This symbols are revealing a new perspective upon the story, a new way of understanding the narrative. Another interesting thing noticed in Daisy Miller is the permanent contrast that is being created, like a symbolic opposition between summer and winter, hot and cold, youth and old age, flower (daisy) and winter, life and death. Daisy Miller herself is an image situated in the middle of contrastive opinions, she plays the part of the innocent girl, being permanently judged by society, judged by Winterbourne, although deep inside she is innocent and pure; so, an incongruity between reality and appearance is being created. Another interesting aspect of this novel is the setting. From the beginning of the book, the author makes a great introduction by situating the action, placing the reader slowly in the situation. Firstly the location is being named: At the little town in Veney, in Switzerland, so, the place is set. The narrative technique used by the author in the first paragraphs is a very interesting one. The image is firstly enlarged and then slowly with every word, the background converges, persisting on the description of the hotel and the tourist, ending by setting the time: a beautiful summer morning and then concentrating on one of the novels character: Winterbourne. So, a part of the action takes part in Switzerland and another segment of the novels action takes place in Rome. These two settings are notarbitrary chosen, both have a deep significance. These places are symbols of other literary works or genres. Firstly both are tight related with Romantic poets whom Winterbourne deeply regard. Mary Shelleys Frankenstein takes place largely in Switzerland, and Mary Shelley wrote it during the time that she, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Lord Byron sojourned at Lake Geneva. Mary Shelley and John Keats are both buried in the Protestant Cemetery, which becomes Daisys own final resting place [4] . Chapter three starts with the sentence: Winterbourne, who had returned to Geneva the day after his excursion to Chillon, went to Rome towards the end of January [5] . This sentence points exactly the three main locations where the action of the novel takes place and where the characters of the novel express their relationships and their attitudes. Not randomly chosen, the capital of Italy, Rome might be seen as a mute character, a silent witness of the action or as a background that links contrastive matters. Rome is the city of Renaissance, the city where art bloomed, a city where the artist might easily find the place to express. Here, Daisy behaves in a very libertine way; she doesnt care about any social or ethical values, maintaining her innocence and her integrity without anybody, especially Winterbourne to notice that. Daisy, like an artist, is only judged and condemned and only after her dead she is being understood and appreciated. In Rome there was a lot of talking about the so called Roman fever; this line has a double significance, although firstly it could be understood as the mothers worry about their daughters, this expression symbolize a disease: malaria, the malady that was haunting the city, and who finally kills Daisy. Another important setting of the novels action is the Coliseum; this is the background where a very important scene takes place. Here Daisy has the final encounter with Winterbourne, here she contacts the fever, malaria and after that she dies. This place is not randomly chose. In ancient times, the Coliseum was a place famous for different fights and contests. But also, the Coliseum is well-known as the place where centuries of Christian martyrdoms took place [6] . Considering this background from a symbolic perspective the Coliseum becomes a place where an innocent girl was killed without having any guilt and being pure and sinless just like the Christians in the ancient times. It is typical for Henry James to represent the society of people interested in ideas and refinements of subtle manner. He often was considered as being a cosmopolite because he liked travelling so much and he often moved between America, England and Europe. The conflict between Americans and Europeans can be found as one of the main themes in the background of his novel. This theme has at its basis a modernistic concept specific to the age. The American origin plays a great role in the novel because all the characters that bare this nationality are the greatest characters, that mature and finally achieve a greatness at the end of the novel. The usual image that we find is the one of the American that loses a part of that initial innocence when encountering the figure of the European with life experience. When it comes to James structure of the novel, we can find that almost all of them are structured in the same way. We have a central thing that supremely matters, as James himself said, that all the lines point at. In Daisy Miller , this supreme matter is Winterbourne lust for the discovery of Daisys innocence. As a consequence we have the circular structure of the novel as an approach to the central subject. Henry James offers us situations of a society that he was part of and we can see that in his novels, every incident has its function in providing us more information about a situation or a character. Although we may be tempted to say that he had a sort of realism in his works, the only reality we can find is the description of a society of conflict.
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