Friday, October 18, 2019

GBN Scenarios Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

GBN Scenarios - Essay Example Following a five-year intensive research at Sample Laboratories, scientists have come up with a polymer that could act as a replacement for newsprint paper as the new medium for printing. It is fully recyclable, eliminating the need for the education sector to adopt the use of costly information technology as a medium for printing, teaching and learning. The polymer has been tried in several schools and printing presses and has been found to have similar qualities with paper for the retention of ink. However, this is not what makes the new polymer unique; it is its ability to be reused once the user has had enough of the printed material. According to Sample Laboratories, the ink printed on the polymer can be extracted after a period of up to 30 years, diluted in specified ratios, and reused. Therefore, unlike information technology that requires the education sector to readjust to a new form of teaching and learning, researchers have come up with a new material for doing things the old way, but now more sustainably than ever. Several stakeholders in the education sector have already recommended the discovery; however, they have warned institutions against using the polymer in its exclusivity. Since it is in the early stages of adoption, they recommend its simultaneous use with paper and digital based materials. It is likely that institutions may adopt the new technology even before the governments authorize its use in the education sector, especially since regulators have declared it safe for use. Sample Laboratories have encouraged the use of the paper substitute by giving enticing offers to their customers; including discounts for institutions that buy the new paper in bulk. In addition, the firm is giving ink freely to anyone who purchases their invention, which is accompanied by a 10-year warranty. Sample Laboratories are also offering the polymer cleaning solvent for

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