Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Report On The Organisation Dominos Pizza Business Essay
Report On The Organization Dominos Pizza Business Essay I have chosen the association domino s pizza for the report ard since am filling in as a chief right hand in the backwoods slope establishment store. I had the chance to join this store in 2008. I made the conversation with establishment supervisor vennyliu and furthermore had the chance to have a little conversation with dorninos new Zealand head tasks Daniel Murray when he visited the woodland slope store. Since I am working in this store for a long time and knew how the procedure is going on in this foundation so it was simple for me to pick this association for the task. IT was in 1960 two siblings torn monaghan and James bought ased a little pizza store Dominick s a little pizza store in Ypsilanti, Michigan, in us. They purchased the store for 575 us dollars. James sold his offer to his sibling and in 1965 torn renamed the store domino s pizza. It was on May 12 1983 dominos opened its first global store in Winnipeg, Manitoba ,Canada, By the year 1997 dominos opened the 1500th universal area. It was in the year 1998 proprietor torn sold the 93 percent of the cormpany to Bain capital for one billion us dollars . Following one year organization named David A Brandon as the president and executive of the organization. it was in the year 2004 dominos started exchanging new york stock trade. It was in the year 2006 one dominos store in tallaght, Dublin, ireland, turned into the first in quite a while history to hit a tUrnovOr of 3 million dollars. Domino s pizza is situated in excess of sixty nations now. Business socioeconomics Dominos the executives and staff needs to convey locally, nationafly and universally. Taking the case of dominos pizza establishment north shore where I am as of now functioning as an associate administrator. We staff need to speak with the colleagues and administrators and establishment administrator. The program and the gathering sees are typically sent to our email, and if there are any progressions or in the event that we are inaccessible we can email back to establishment supervisor. The finance slip is additionally sent to our email. On the off chance that there is any crisis like staff won't he ready to work that days move correspondence is generally made through telephone and dominos has a cost free no 0800304050.The individual who calls won't be charged and it very well may be utilized via landline and versatile. The correspondence between various stores is fundamental. It is for the most part to obtain and return of the stock, Sometimes client enquires about various stores phone no. It is fundamentally done through telephone. Correspondence with the client is immediate verbally when they go to the store for buy or some other questions .we use to take telephonie orders and online request too. Our store does the online business very well broadly. Web based requesting is one of the claim to fame of dominos pizza. Where clients can without much of a stretch get the menu in the PC and they can choose as per their taste and range. They can pick the choice of conveying to their place or takeaway. There has been a review led by the us dominos that individuals will go through a specific measure of cash for eating out, This would resemble over 5% will be conveyed to their to their home and it will be web based requesting and this would ncrease to 12% sooner rather than later 4 tc 5 years. The correspondence of the providers are likewise through telephone and faxing some of the time we request the food conveyance through telephone and in extraordinary cases like occasions the request will be sent as fax. Global correspondence is additionally basic the us domino group and Australaian dominos group visits our store once every year. This data will be passed to establishment by the new Zealand head office. The report of the store visit and the redesigning required and changes required will be sent to establishment however email. Dispatch and post. The dispatch and post are utilized for the flexibly of fliers and pamphlets. 2) Organsational objectives Increment the gainfulness of busmess: Organizational objective of dominos is to expand the productivity of th business. Correspondence is a significant factor in expanding the gainfulness. The deals ought to be expanded and client grumblings ought to be diminished Advertisement battle ought to be finished. In the event that there is any advancement by dominos it ought to be passed on to clients and if any questions emerges from client it ought to be sifted through. There are a few advancements which it will be in the framework yet staff may not think about it. It ought to be examined wth the establishment director and ought to be passed on to the client if there is any client objections it ought to be discused in the store and it shouId be noticed that the comparable grievance never emerges in future. On the off chance that he client sends the protest to the dom nos head oflice the establishment needs to send a report to head office demonstrating all thedetails of remedial activity taken by the store. Worker motivation:communication assumes a significant job in representative inspiration. Monetary rewardc areone of the key inspiration factors. At the point when the store crosses specific deals the representatives get an incentive.AppreciatiOn in work are likewise acceptable inspiration and it ought to be conveyed to the worker verbally by store oversee when specific representative does a great job or completes a specific hard errand. The professional stability are likewise passed on to the worker if a representative is performing admirably the message will be passed on to him by the zone director that he won't lose his employment. 3) Organizational culture and morals since the workers in dominos are a multicultural. Individuals from various pieces of tie world work in the woodland slope domino store.There are Chinese, Koreans, Europeans and Indians working in the store. the group ought to be following an ethhcs in the store for instance the individuals working from China they will be coming back to china during thL Chinese new year and during this period different nationaIites will cover their day of work. dominos has an in store morals for eeverything one of it is conduct to client:, regardless of whether the clients blow up staff ought to be amenable to them and apologize for any of the errors and not contend with client. despite the fact that the correspondence is in English between the staff individuals yet usuaily Chinese individuals converse with one another in Chinese and 80% of staff are ChinosO and there will be at any rate one Asian working in each. move, 4) Management of information assets: in the organistion franchice chief and the senior supervisor have the information for the business.it incorporates the day today running, payroll,food requesting, selecting new staff, preparing new staff ,and the new items and new prmotions will be sent to the organization by email from head office and that messages will he fowarded to the staff.Banking and other budgetary issues are finished by the senior supervisor. Dominos has online webpage for preparing and that is called doti and each sstaff of dominos needs to go on the web and get the internet preparing If there requirers any kind of subtleties the administrative center individual comes straightforwardly for help and they clear the uncertainty. There was an issue in food requesting and the new Zealand head came directly to the shop and cleared the questions. 5) Group elements: Representatives make the gathering and that makes a group.. Generally individuals working in each move of dominos can be viewed as a group. There will be passionate worry from representatives particularly at the point when they are chipping away at Friday and Saturday evening movements and this will be sifted through by putting or supplanting an extra experienced individual. At the point when the contention emerges in the group each individual in the group will be posed inquiries by and by and as a gathering and last arrangement is discovered by finding the solutions from workers. Representatives are likewise placed in various segments like cause line to counter to and counter to delvery position. So every individual can take a gander at various edges of work and how every one carries out their responsibility in each segments, The essential phrasing of forming,storming,norming and performing is there in our store also to make the group well weave and to be associated with each othcr. 6) Meeting the executives Correspondence process are fundamental in running the gathering effectively. In our store we have a gathering room.Invitation to meeting to all staff individuals are done through calling them on telephone and revealing to them the hour of meeting. The meetng can be of anything like a client protest which is not kidding something like found a remote item in the pizza and client was admitted to medical clinic. The food from the client was taken and send to the quality confirmation office and an ostensible sum was paid by the provider of dominos. So what should be done and how to deal with the circumstance will be examined and minutes will be made and the move taken in the gathering will likewise he brought down. in some cases when the investigation group from Australia visited our store and we got a decent stamps in that examination the administration chose to host a gathering and a get-together at sky City inns. This was distributed in the notification board and it was sent to a11 staff individuals email dnd it was conveyed verbally also. The time place , when , where ought to be educated to whom(people going to the gathering). 7) Stakeholders: Clients: clients are imparted verbally when they come to store. and furthermore througn telephone since there is phone requesting in the store Managementcomrnuniaiion with the administration is fundamentally verbally when the chiefs are in the store and utilization of phone and email are utilized to pass crucial data. Assume there is an examination from head office then the zone administrator will phone the issue to the staff. The compensation slips and program are generally send to the email. Staff: The correspondence with staff is normally verbal and messaging are likewise used to send the informatioin wnich are not essential. Bank: Dominos woodland charge store manages WestPaC bank and the dealings are as a rule through phone,emall the financial proclamations and talk about verbally here and there with the bank if any erro
Saturday, August 22, 2020
States regulatory response to the current financial crisis
Presentation The current monetary emergency, usually alluded to as the Global Financial Crisis, keeps on influencing billions of individuals on the planet. With different pioneers connecting every one of their endeavors to rescue the circumstance, it is without a doubt that the emergency has essentially affected the world economy adversely. It has apparently been considered by investigators as the most exceedingly awful money related emergency since the Great Depression that was knowledgeable about 1930s1.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on States administrative reaction to the current monetary emergency explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More This emergency began during late 2000s with late years having been demonstrated to be intense for most nations, particularly inside the Euro zone. Due to the between availability of world economies, these impacts have spread to all aspects of the world including Asia, America and Africa, compelling the selection and usage of relief techniques by a few countries2. The need to manage the current monetary emergency was mainly required by negative impacts, which originated from the waning money related circumstance in many nations around the world3. At the pinnacle of the emergency, enormous money related organizations crumbled as the pace of joblessness rose to impossible levels on the planet history. Albeit each segment of the economy has been influenced by the emergency, it is accepted that the lodging market endured unfavorably, coming about into abandonments and mighty expulsion since a great many people couldn't clear their mortgages4. This exposition investigates major administrative reactions towards the current monetary emergency by different states on the planet. In this examination, four nations including Greece, Germany, France and China will be talked about, concentrating on ways that have been taken by these states to manage the emergency since 2008. Monetary Crisis in China is on e of the quickly developing economies of the world that keeps on pulling in worldwide consideration and interests. By the by, China has needed to adapt to hard financial occasions even as different states fight this monetary danger. In comprehension China’s reaction towards the current financial emergency, it is fundamental to take note of that the economy of China completely relies upon streams from worldwide exchange and investments5. Because of its exponential development, it surpassed the United States in 2007, as far as product exportation, coming next after the European Union. With the majority of its endeavors outfitted towards exchange, around 30% of the country’s GDP has consistently been drawn from sends out. Research shows that about eighty million Chinese are utilized in the fare segment, making it one of the main wellsprings of work in the country6.Advertising Looking for article on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Ge t your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The developing idea of China’s economy pulls in gigantic Foreign Direct Investors, making it the main FDI beneficiary among underdeveloped nations and the third on worldwide positioning. This introduction to outside exchange and fares has presented China to the current monetary emergency, since it has unfavorably influenced the country’s trade markets. As per financial examiners in China, the emergency predominantly influenced businesses, which generally depended on Foreign Development Investors. The nation enrolled low financial development rate in 2009, accomplishing an addition of 6.1% quarterly, a figure that supposedly was the least in over ten years. Having been refered to by the International Monetary Fund as the main benefactor towards the world economy in 2007, the beginning of the money related emergency implied financial calamity to the state. China’s reaction Like numerous different nations, China took a few administrative measures to manage the impacts of the current monetary emergency in late 2000s. In September 2008, it was accounted for by the Chinese Premier that the primary explanation behind the measures that were taken by the nation was to keep up the security of the economy by forestalling potential variances as saw in other countries7. This objective was to endure noteworthy lift to the world economy because of its reliance on Chinese economy. All in all, the nation picked to lessen financing costs charged on bank advances so as to help the financial business which stays powerless against the negative impacts of the emergency. Likewise, the greater part of the administrative choices received by China target invigorating the economy, sponsoring and rebuilding of specific businesses, upgrading buyer consumption and boosting of country salary among farmers8. By and large, China’s reaction towards the money related emergency can be seen from three viewpoints, in particular , political, monetary and social.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on States administrative reaction to the current budgetary emergency explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More China’s Political reaction As a method of guaranteeing financial strength, China’s political hardliners have continually required the re-reception of a midway checked economy that was bolstered by Mao in 1949 after the introduction of People’s Republic of China. Then again, this has been viewed as an outrageous chance in finding a sensible answer for the approaching crisis9. Numerous arbitrators proposed the easing back down of market changes in the nation so as to acknowledge advertise situated condition that would expand monetary development. This was additionally gotten with analysis as it was to confine business openings and extension ways to outside financial specialists. Another administrative reaction saw in China since 2008 has been the help for complet e patriotism towards the country’s economy. This demeanor has been introduced as an indigenous development arrangement, which advances nearby innovation by pulling for neighborhood purchases10. With China having gigantic open works extends, the economy has been balanced out by expanded neighborhood creation despite the fact that this may have influenced remote exchange because of its monetary reliance. The connection among China and the United States has additionally had influence in managing the current financial emergency. While China had appreciated the US, disdain and solidified mentalities have been viewed as methods for guarding the country’s economy that remaining parts at the danger of being controlled by outer powers. The two nations varied on some policy driven issues like China’s relationship with Taiwan, with which the US had marked some military settlements, a move that has been seen by Chinese authority as a method of applying pressure on China11. Monetary strategy At the beginning of the emergency in 2008, China presented $586 billion in type of a bundle that was planned for settling the economy. In addition to other things, the cash was to encourage the production of more employments and to give capital that was important to help household spending in the nation. Every one of these variables focused on the acknowledgment of a 2 or 3 focuses financial development in GDP12. The financial bundle additionally included methodologies outfitted towards the insurance of China’s top businesses like boat building, autos, apparatus, steel, material and data innovation among others. Along with this bundle, China considered contribution of endowments to business players through government awards, charge decrease, charge refunds, and capital help for outside investments.Advertising Searching for paper on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Financial arrangement Since the beginning of the emergency, China has thought about numerous money related methodologies to conquer the impacts of the worldwide emergency. For example, the improvement bundle presented in the financial division planned for urging more banks to loan more cash through extricating of banking control arrangements. As a method of actualizing this, the People’s Republic of China has chopped down portions and premium charged so as to permit banks to loan cash to people and companies13. Furthermore, most state-possessed ventures have completely profited by this by accepting good rates on acquired credits. China’s loaning reaction repudiates nations like the United States, which were resolute in supporting such proposals. Social projects In turning away the impacts of the emergency, China has ceaselessly actualized a few social projects in various areas including yet not restricted to protection, human services and benefits through its acclaimed upgrade package14. In the year 2009, the legislature of China endorsed a consumption of $126 billion that should have been executed in the next year towards the production of an all inclusive medicinal services conspire for the individuals of China. The scheme’s fundamental objective was to cover the majority of the populace by 2011. In addition, a few stages have been received to elevate rustic pay to close the hole between salary earned in provincial and urban regions. The reasonable part of this has been the contribution of refunds adding up to 13% to individuals in neighborhoods the procurement of family unit machines. Improvement ventures have additionally focused on provincial zones to advance instruction, social insurance, transport and different types of infrastructure15. Through these projects, the legislature of China has persistently advanced high use on fuel to improve considerable financial development, accordingly subduing the impacts of the current monetary eme rgency. Chinese Legal Response Besides financial and money related advances that were taken by the Chinese government to tame the effect of the current monetary emergency that shook world economies since 2008, different advances have been taken. These incorporate the detailing and execution of laws and guidelines, planned for guarding the country’s money related markets from both inner and outer powers. For example, the Chinese government provided a mandate that would subvert remote providers while advancing neighborhood organizations
Good Samaritan Act - Reynoso v. Newman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Great Samaritan Act - Reynoso v. Newman - Essay Example Regarding the case, he was offended party and litigant. The litigant and respondent was Mr. Jeffrey L. Newman (FindLaw, â€Å"REYNOSO v. NEWMAN†). Result The Good Samaritan Laws are those that safeguard individuals who choose to serve others as like one who are harmed or are sick. This law contrasts starting with one purview then onto the next. The rules that relates the Good Samaritan laws work in nations, for example, Australia where the establishment of the legitimate framework is the English Common Law. The case here is identified with the Good Samaritan Act. Bruce Adams who was a DDS by his occupation had put his patient named Orlando Reynoso under general sedation. The purpose for this was Mr. Adams needed to perform oral medical procedure. As per the records, it is clear that San Diego area dental specialist has been directing the sedation as Reynoso was intellectually hindered by birth. Thus he couldn’t sit tranquilly all through the dental system. After Mr. Rey noso was sent to the recuperation room, it was perceived by the dental specialist that the oxygen immersion levels of the patient were low. In this manner, as indicated by the suggestions of Dr. Lo, Reynoso was sent to the emergency clinic for additional treatment in which a goal identified with blood may emerge. Later Mr. Adams called up his companion, a doctor named Jeffrey L. Newman, so as to increase second sentiment. Mr. Newman showed up soon after Mr. Adams called him.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Governor Deval Patrick-Commonwealth of Massachusetts Essay
Representative Deval Patrick-Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Essay Example Patrick is quite worried about training and that is his principle reason of financing the state funded instruction at the most significant level throughout the entire existence of the ward. Representative Patrick additionally made his state to be the main in biotech, biopharmaceuticals and data innovation. Issues of framework and development of reasonable social insurance were explained by Governor Patrick. Massachusetts home through the Governor figured out how to be the main state to have seaward wind ranch. These astounding exhibitions made the individuals of his state to depict him as a high (Strong) performing society pioneer (Lussier and Achua, 2013). Senator Patrick as an individual who experienced childhood in a poor family, he comprehends in detail the vast majority of the issues the citizenry are confronting. Consequently, he should be severe to issues identified with society, for example, authority. As an issue of realities, we as a whole observe the Governor financing state funded school instruction at the top level in the past of region that later developed top in the national rivalry (Lussier and Achua, 2013). Training as per him was the principle key point to progress to a youngster into adulthood. Representative Patrick and his organization grasped assortment of thoughts that could assist with boosting the living of inhabitants who chose him (Lussier and Achua, 2013). Practically 98% of occupants could gain admittance to reasonable clinical consideration help. The organization through the help of the Governor additionally guaranteed that the state is qualified for acceptable initiative, modernized foundation and quality instruction. It is clear proof that Governor Patrick speaks to in him some center standards of initiative. To begin with, we get the opportunity to discover Patrick experiencing childhood in a messed up home and in neediness where the greater part of the advices he got were from his instructors and the grandma where he was being advised to seek after the best and work for it (Lussier and Achua, 2013). Patrick’s scholastic vocation in Harvard cleared paths for him. As an understudy, he was chosen as an associate lawyer general for
Thursday, July 30, 2020
An Open Letter to MIT Applicants
An Open Letter to MIT Applicants Today on social media, I was greeted with an article about how one student chose to become part of MIT’s class of 2018. While I have nothing against major news platforms and don’t want to belittle stories that highlight some of the awesome things that MIT students are working on, I can’t imagine how much it would terrify me if I read this sort of thing before applying to MIT. It’s so easy to become overwhelmed by hearing about the ever-so-exciting lives of your friends offline or online, and that only amplifies when all of a sudden you imagine competing with these people for a spot in a university. There is a ridiculous amount of pressure from both adults and peers to be the “perfect†student or “perfect†applicant to colleges when perfection doesn’t even exist. The problem with articles that hype the extraordinary things about a small subset of people is that they have the power to make you undervalue your (perhaps less-national-news-worthy) achievements. My goal is not to scare or put down or invalidate anyone who has pursued summer internships in labs at universities, has been working on college application essays since junior year, took SAT/ACT prep classes and practice exams until their hands cramped, extensively researched colleges since junior high, or came from a family of engineers and businesspeople. I just want to reach out to the applicants who read descriptions of seemingly “perfect†students who have all of those qualifications and more, and feel their heart sink because they don’t feel like they’re good enough. Successful applicants really do come in all shapes and sizes and backgrounds, and you can’t discredit yourself solely on a standardized test score number. Let me tell you how I ended up here. As a senior in high school, I knew college applications were coming up and that everyone in my high school was expected to apply somewhere. I talked with my dad a little bit and he described his college search process: he picked a couple schools that were affordable and seemed okay academically, wrote a couple essays, applied, was accepted by a few, and went to one. No bells, no whistles, no stress. So when I met with my school counselor and she expected me to have a list of no more than 12 schools ranked by difficulty to get in (‘Reach,’ ‘Comfort,’ and ‘Safety’) with a breakdown of application pieces and statistics for each one, I immediately felt underprepared. I hadn’t thought about which schools to attend; I had never cared about academic reputations or given any really serious thought into what I wanted to study in college, and all of a sudden it was all very REAL. I chose all my schools (including MIT) on a whim. I picked a variety of in-state and out-of-state schools to give myself the option to leave home if I was feeling brave. I looked into art schools and schools with forensic science programs and Ivy league schools mostly just because I had heard their names before. MIT ended up on my list because I read about the hacks and a couple of admissions blog postsâ€"it seemed like a school with a sense of humor, and I liked that. I probably stumbled across College Confidential at some point and thought the idea of a bunch of competitive people swirling in an eddy of college-induced panic was stupid. I didn’t care about online rankings of “Top 100 Schools in the World†nor debates about Harvard vs. Yale nor application acceptance rates for any school. (Again, I’m not trying to insult you if you do/did participate in the College Confidential community or ravenously devour top school news articles. It just wasn’t my thing, and I really, really want to stress that it’s okay whether it is or isn’t your thing.) Personally, I was really apathetic towards the college search process. I hoped to get in somewhere, but I really wasn’t concerned where because I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I had always assumed that I would continue exploring my options throughout college, rather than having to decide beforehand before I’ve even begun to learn about what options exist. Whereas some people in my grade were searching for schools with great reputations for a specific major like computer science, I genuinely didn’t know you could study something called computer science (basic HTML was, in my mind, something I Googled and used to customize my Tumblr theme, not a tiny piece of a huge field of study… boy, was I wrong) But a fire was sparked when my counselor took a look at my list and, with a dismissive tone, said some spiel along the lines of: “Ceri, you’re going to have to revise your college choices. You have too many ‘Reach’ schools… With your math SAT scores you won’t get into a place like MIT, so you should probably just take it off and make room for another ‘Safety’ school.†All of a sudden, this authority figure who I had very little respect for in the first place was telling me what I could or couldn’t do with my life, and that made me really angry in a defiant-teenager sort of way. If these schools didn’t want me, they would have to say so themselves. A stupid school counselor wasn’t going to make me feel inadequate and stop me from even trying to apply. (Hint: This parallels how a stupid article online should not make you feel inadequate and stop you from even trying to apply. #litanalysis) So I kept my list the way it was, and began my applications. I wasn’t the “perfect†applicant in any way, shape, or form. Sure, on paper my grades were good, and I had some really great teachers to write my letters of reference. But mostly, I had a lot of luck. I’m lucky that I had people who inspired me to have such diverse interestsâ€"humanities teachers who taught me how to organize my ideas and construct compelling narratives, science teachers who brought in tectonic plate models or a bunch of organisms suspended in formaldehyde to emphasize learning by visualizing and actually doing things. I’m lucky that I had a friend who had a car and wanted to cross-enroll with me so we could take calculus at another high school because my school didn’t offer it. I’m lucky my family is financially stable enough for me to volunteer as a summer camp counselor and play games with kids to teach them curiosity and science, rather than working at a grocery store or fast food restaurant like a lot of people my age. I’m lucky I had a friend who was the president of drama club who roped me into designing and building sets, which led me to befriend our janitor and learn how to use power tools and construct structurally-sound furniture pieces in my free time after school. I’m lucky my friends patiently coaxed me out of my socially anxious shell so I would try new experiences, actually join extracurricular activities, and even hold a couple little leadership positions by senior year. I’m lucky I had a friend crazy enough to want to make a documentary with me about Nazi propaganda filmmakers for a history competition, and another that wanted to write and perform a short play about marine chronometers for the same competition. And Im lucky we did pretty well in that competition and got to travel to Washington DC and meet kids from all around the United States. I’m lucky that I remembered all these things about myself and didn’t worry about other people’s college applications. I didn’t read example essays or try and force myself into the mold of a student who has overcome immense hardship to succeed academically. I didn’t overwrite my essays and give them to 10 different people to proofreadâ€"I handed them to my dad and asked “Does this sound like me?†In my essays, I tried to avoid being the 1,000th person who said they would want to travel back in time and speak to Gandhi about social change, and instead wrote about how I wanted to be like Kaylee and explore space with a crew that felt like family. When MIT asked me to describe the world I came from, I told them about how media has played such a huge role in shaping who I am today, how fictional characters have taught me innumerable lessons about friendship and self-sacrifice and everything in between. This wasn’t to ignore my family’s role in raising me, to avoid discussing the fact that I’ve grown up with both Asian and Western cultural influences, or to write something solely to make me seem like a special snowflake. It just felt like the most genuine response I could give, and I like writing stories far more than writing a checklist of facts about myself in essay format. Rather than spending weeks brainstorming and writing these essays, I generally wrote them and turned them in within a 72 hour time span. One application at a timeâ€"check, check, checkâ€"until they were done, usually (embarrassingly) close to the due date. I can almost hear my high school counselor, and maybe even more across the nation, yelling at me for my apathy, “You should take the college application process very seriously!†Once the apps were in, though, I stopped worrying. It was out of my control. If anything, I was most concerned about getting into the University of Washington because that’s where I thought I would go, starting the college experience surrounded by a lot of people of my high school. Long story short, I’m positive I didn’t fit any sort of profile for the ideal applicant to a highly technical school like MIT, yet for some reason they gave my application a second glance. So you shouldn’t have to worry either, because there’s nothing more you can do other than be yourself, be honest, and be grateful for the opportunities you’ve had to push yourself and find passions and learn and grow. (Besides maybe quadruple-checking your essays for spelling and grammar stuff. I could totally write a much less sappy ‘how to college essay’ post if people wanted some advice regarding that.) I know there are other people on campus like me, with minimal technical background but a mighty curiosity and passions for art or science or building or whatever. Those of us that applied to MIT by chance, got in by some MIT admissions officer believing in us, and chose to commit because of the people we met here. And there are plenty more people completely unlike me, who were lucky or hardworking enough to go to some of the best schools in the nation with rich learning environments and resources, or who put in a lot of time and effort to take college classes or take on intense personal projects and expand their knowledge. But we’re all here now, working and learning and growing both as a community and as individuals. Promise me you won’t worry about other applicants or what other people say about how impossible your dreams are or application stereotypes. Don’t allow MIT to become an all-consuming dream because people can have just as enriching college experiences elsewhere. Some of my very fondest college memories have been drinking tea and talking with my friend at Brown, believe it or not, since the MIT bubble can become stifling after a while. You will find your community of people, as long as you have the courage to go looking for them. Life works in crazy ways so, please, don’t panic. ?
Monday, June 29, 2020
Double personality of of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - 1650 Words
Double personality of of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Book Review Sample) Content: StudentProfessorSubjectDateHow the issue of split/double personality is reflected in the multiples narratives of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeThe Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) done by Robert Louis Stevensonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s is viewed to be a highly famous story that relates to doubles. The phrase Doppelganger, which Jean-Paul Richter invented in the year 1796, was sanctified by Romantic Movement. This made it to be liked in the 19th Century. This was brought about by social turmoil as well as the outcomes of industrial revolutions (Corinna, par.4). Apart from the Doppelganger motif, the writings of Stevenson mirror largely the Victorian age circumstances.Life was inclined to the religion that was established and this raised morality to the greatest norm besides requiring repression of sexuality as well as desires. This brought about "a split/ divide within the self" which the society as well as the authors experienced (Saposnik, 720).Accordin gly, the "Freudian notion of split/double personality became evident in literature long before the proposition of the actual theory" .Doppelganger and split personalities were very common themes and they were applied in exploring identity issues, morality as well as sexuality issues. Stevensonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s wife states that one of the highly significant influences was "a different strange à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"multiple personality caseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬" which "deeply impressed" Stevenson. Stevenson had a passionate aim of establishing a body or the drive for the sturdy sense of the double being of man. He had the feeling of this while he was studying at Edinburgh when he had the dream of having à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"a double life à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ the night one and the day one. This could have prompted him to write the novel. Doppelganger theme was at its peak during the 19thcentury where several works that deals with this theme were written. When the novel is read, it is evident that the Doppelganger in Hyde and Jekyll is not the model of a double.Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde puts much emphasis on a notion that humanity is in nature dual despite the fact that this theme only emerges fully in the last chapter of the book at the time that the whole story of the relationship between Jekyll and Hyde is revealed. Hence, the theory of the duality of human character is confronted after every event of the novel is witnessed. The central theme of the novel is posited as the duality of human nature. Besides, the book also forces the readers to think about the features of the duality (Swearingen, 37).Jekyll is of the assertion that "man is truly two and not one." Besides, Jekyll is of the imagination that human soul is the battlefield for a "fiend" and an "angel" with the two battling for mastery. Nevertheless, his potion, that he assumed would purify and separate every element, thrives only in getting the dark part into beingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Hyde appears, but without any angelic counterpart. When unleashed, Hyde takes over slowly, until Jekyll stops existing. Whether man is half fiend and half angel, one questions what occurs to the "angel" as the novel ends. Probably the angel offers way completely to the devil of Jekyll. Or probably Jekyll is just erroneous: man isnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t "two" but is the primitive being personified in Hyde, taken under cautious control by law, civilization, as well as conscience. This theory points out that the potion pulls away the civilized appearance, revealing the essential nature of man. Undoubtedly, the novel veers off to describe Hyde as being animalistic, being ugly and hairy; conducting himself as guided by instinct instead of reason; he is described by Utterson as a primitive and "troglodyte" creature.Nonetheless, if Hyde were an ordinary being, he would not be expected to be delighted in crime. Certainly, he appears to commit brutal acts against individuals who are innocent for no good reasons but just enjoys the act-something that ordinary people cannot do. He is happily and deliberately immoral. He is aware of the moral law but cannot abide by it. All these have the implication that probably, civilization also has its dark sides.Eventually, whilst Stevenson clearly affirms that there are two aspects of human nature, he does not fully disclose the constitution of the aspects. Probably they entail virtue and evil; probably they represent the inner characters of individuals as well as the veneer imposed by civilization. The richness of the book has been enhanced by Stevenson by leaving the readers to look within them in order to establish the two sides of the human nature.The Importance of masks in The Picture of Dorian GrayThe Picture of Dorian Gray offers information concerning the "masks individuals wear in order to have their faces covered and the faces individuals wear in order to ensure that their masks are covered. It should be noted that not all individuals depict their true selves. Besides, a number of individuals d o everything possible in order to conceal their souls that may highly be corrupted. It is an undeniable fact that all individuals must have at one time tried to hide their true selves.This timeless truth has been told by Wilde by using the Dorian who has the wish or remaining beautiful as well as young all through his life. This is however the wish of every individual. Basil, an artist, paints the portrait of Dorian. After the completion of the painting, he finds that he is very beautiful and whishes to remain the same all through his life. The wish that he made was very true. He remains beautiful all through his life, however, he values pleasure more than morality and this makes his soul to wither gradually withers. As his soul was withering, the painting was also withering. The painting becomes old and is a clear illustration of how his soul was: cruel and ugly. The insensitivity of Dorian finally makes his ally to commit suicide. Besides, the wicked needs of his heart make him to kill a close friend of his. Dorian, though appears to be charming, youthful, as well as turns into a monster.It should be noted that all individuals at given times must have been afraid to illustrate their actual colors. On the same note, all individuals at some given points in time wished to be beautiful as well as forever. Dorian Grayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s pictures illustrate the dreadful outcome when the wishes eventuate.The masks as used in the play make the appearance of the characters to be misleading, thereby giving the characters additional sense of mystery. It should also be noted that physical appearance is also a mask hiding the exact contents of each soul of the characters.The beauty of Dorian was a mask to him. The mask ended up ruining him. It ruined the beauty as well as the youth he had longed for. If it was not for the beauty as well as youthfulness, the life of Dorian may have been devoid of stain. In hypocrisy, Dorian was wearing the mask of goodness. Curiosity made him to leave in self-denial. Masks also make sure that the truth is known after a fall.The conceptualized thoughts of evil as well as the downfall of man soul presented in the two books are extraordinarily similar in style and manner; the two writers attempt to convey the escapist character of evil. Despite the fact that they differ in the methods, the cycles of events in the two books are comparable. The first theme is shame, the remorse brought about by evil deeds; even when cunningly introduced, it is an undeniable force behind the novelsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ two major characters. In the two novels, the characters are required to contend with the misdeeds they do, whether they are deliberate or not.Dorian Gray referred to as "Prince Charming" is the novelà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s main character. He is twenty year old young man as the novel commences. He is extraordinarily looking good, and both Lord Henry and Basil Hallward are fascinated by the innocent beauty he has. His scarlet lips that are finely curv ed, his frank looking blue eyes as well as his hair that is crisp gold is admired by Henry. Dorian is Lord Kelsoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s grandson. His beautiful mother, Lady Margaret Devereux, had the opportunity to marry anybody she liked, but wet ahead to marry a soldier who was penniless and who died in a fight. Soon after his demise, Margaret also died. Dorian inherited his parentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s money after growing up. Dorian is described by Basil as having "a beautiful and simple nature," and definitely he is a charming and agreeable man. At times, he is however, thoughtless. The picture of Dorian Gray becomes corrupt and aged though he persists to look innocent and fresh. After killing a very young woman, he is surprised to obtain no divergence in his surroundings or vision. Basil states that at times Dorian enjoys hurting him. The influence of Henry makes Dorian to le...
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Difference Between Sophocles Antigone And Jean Anouilh Antigone - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 717 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/06/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Antigone Essay Did you like this example? Reading the two versions of the tragedy of Antigone, it was a really interesting experience. Just to see how different the characters are, to see a similar storyline but it is played out differently. This is a book you should really attempt to compare with the original Greek tragedy Antigone, by Sophocles and the Jean Anouilh version, (Which is the more modern one) about the whole plot of the story and characters. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Difference Between Sophocles Antigone And Jean Anouilh Antigone" essay for you Create order Both of the playwrights have the same storyline, about a girl named Antigone (the main character), who defies her uncle, Creon, who also happens to be the king of Thebes. The characters in the plays are generally constant between the two versions. Both of them also made sure Antigone be faced with the penalty of death to reflect the attitudes and the actions that unfold in the old days. Itrs almost like a remake but minor details being the only difference. I do think the most interesting difference is the change in the main character, Antigone; Antigone herself is the main production of these two plays. Sophocles is the play writer who is the person who is known for his style of a Greek tragic play. He puts in a flaw in just about every main character. He is the main person who is known for Greek styled plays. You see thing main thinking of Jean Anouilh, is that he takes Sophocles drama, grinds it down the very main idea of Antigone, and the next thing you know is that a new (but yet similar) story has appeared. Antigone motives and understanding of the situation are the same, though much of her characteristics do differ among the two plays. Her character can be understandable by reading the story since it is based on her. In the Jean Anouilh version, you see Antigoners real colors when she is brought upon Creon by the guards after she is caught trying to bury the rotting body of Polynecies. Barring the fact, that Antigones argument for burying Polynecies body is the same in both of the texts. Either way, her justification for burying Polynices is quite the same: She desires it to g o by her religious views by burying Polynices so that he can have a good afterlife. You also notice that in both plays, her original determination to bury Polynices body and her impulsiveness is the same. Looking back at the original Sophocles version, Antigone has a snappy comeback to everything that Creon throws at her. Looking back at the argument she had with Creon, Antigone just seems like she can just snap back at anyone who even dares defies or even talks to her in any way. In Jean Anouilh version of Antigone, she doesnt tend to snap back and is a lot lesser ruder of a person in that play. Though I am going to have to say she is just as stubborn as she is from the Sophocles version. Let me elaborate on how stubborn she can be in the Jean Anouilh version: Creon says, Did you tell anyone what you were going to do, then Antigone replies: No., Did you meet anyone on your way out? , Nobody., Are you sure? , Quite sure. (Jean Anouilh, pg.26), and this conversation between Creon and Antigone keeps going back and forth, and her attitude does not seem to change much throughout the play. Still, there are some similarities. Previously I have mentioned how stubborn, and how rude Antigone can be at times throughout the play; In Jean Anouilh version of Antigone, he depicts her as a solid, but yet a more nice Antigone. Sophocles version feels a lot more like a script, the characters in the play all knowing what to say, the modern Antigone play has more depth added to the characters. Both of the plays have their own kind of honor. While both of the plays are essentially the same, this, in turn, makes the comparison easy. The real difference is the elements both plays uses. Sophocles wrote his with an idea in mind. Each character has an idea and then dies with it. The new Antigone, in this case, does not carry just carry its idea but also travel to areas they have been set to be in. Both of the plays attract different people.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Social Learning And Differential Association Theories
Introduction This paper will outline and discuss the social learning and differential association theories and how those two theories impact and influence gang and violence surrounding said gangs. Although there is no set definition of gang violence, the United States Department of Justice has defined gangs as at least three persons with a common identity either through colors, signs, physical markings or other symbols. There are different types of gangs involved in criminal activities such as street gangs, prison gangs, and outlaw motorcycle gangs. These individuals band together or act along to inflict threats, pain, suffering, injury and often time death on many innocent victims and at times each other. Street gangs range from neighborhood gangs to gangs on a national level, such as the well-known â€Å"Bloods†. Often time the neighborhood gangs inflict crimes of violent nature such as murder and assault on rival gang members for new member initiation, retaliation and turf wars. 2013 National Gang Report. Street gang violence also involves crimes such as assaults, murder, robberies, and rape. Among other crimes committed by street gang members are prostitution rings, burglaries, distribution and selling of drugs, and counterfeiting. (CITE) Although the latter is not considered as â€Å"violent crimes†per se; however, due to the threats and intimidation demonstrated by the gang members, the victims are subject to the activities escalating into crimes of a more violentShow MoreRelatedDifferential Association Theory By Edwin H. Sutherland969 Words  | 4 PagesDifferential Association theory by Edwin H. Sutherland states that criminal behavior is learned. Sutherla nd’s theory is essentially arguing that individuals that engage in criminal activity have learned to engage in criminal activity from association with others. Differential Association theory is broken down into nine propositions. The first proposition is that criminal behavior is learned (Sutherland, 2010). The second proposition states that the interaction with the other person or persons hasRead MoreSocial Learning Theory 1741 Words  | 7 Pagesthat social learning theory is an expanded theory of differential association processes and improves it with differential reinforcement and other principles of the behavior theory. They added classical conditioning (the sharpening of involuntary reflex behavior); discriminative stimuli (internal stimuli that lead to signals for behavior); schedules of reinforcement (rewards and punishment ratio following behavioral feedback); and other theories of behavior (Akers Sellers, 2013). Akers’ social learningRead MoreSocial Learning Theory Of Crime1278 Words  | 6 Pagesconcept, social learning theory has been applied to the many different fields of social science to explain why certain individuals develop motivation to commit (or abstain from) crime and develop the skills to commit crime through the people they associate with. Social Learning Theory (SLT) is one of the most frequently looked at theories in the criminology field. This theory was introduced by Ronald L. Akers as a reformulation of Edwin H. Sutherland s (1947) differential association theory of crimeRead MoreSocial Learning Theory839 Words  | 3 Pagesthis assignment, I will be studying social learning theory. Social learning theory was first proposed by Albert Bandura. It is a theory that emphasizes the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others, (Social Learning Theory, n.d.). There are three main hypotheses of social learning theo ry. First, the theory assumes that people can learn by observing others (Cherry, n.d.). Second, social learning theory builds on behaviorism by suggesting thatRead MoreSutherlands Differential Association Theory1430 Words  | 6 PagesSutherland’s Differential Association Theory Ryan Herron Dr. Patrick Parnaby SOC 2070 9 November 2017 There are many theories used by Sociologists to explain deviance. One such theory is differential association theory, proposed by Edwin Sutherland. There are many strengths and weaknesses of differential association that will be laid out in this paper after differential association theory is fully explained. When discussed, it becomes apparent that differential association theory has many strengthsRead MoreA Norm Is A Rule Of Behavior Of Individuals In Society1491 Words  | 6 Pagessociety or groups, Emile Durkheim sociological founder considered norms to be social factors that exist in individual’s society of independence that creates the shapes of our behaviors and thoughts (Crossman, 2017). In the terms of not having sociality without social control the society would have no function without enforcing social orders that make daily life and the complex division of labor possible (Crossman, 2017). Social order is produced by ongoing life longs process of socialization that individualRead MoreSociological Theories For Deviance Fall Under The Concept Of Primary Deviance1014 Words  | 5 PagesAccording to sociologist Edwin Lemert, the majority of sociological theories for deviance fall under the concept of primary deviance. However, Lemert considered secondary deviance to be more important. Everyone is guilty of primary deviance. However, this does not mean that they perceive themselves to be a bad person. This is perception is where secondary deviance comes in. With secondary deviance, the individual, is labeled by the act of deviance that they committed, whether it is by themselvesRead MoreIp3 Crime Causation1535 Words  | 7 PagesThis essay will focus on sociological theories of crime and their description, the strengths and weaknesses of each; sociological control theory, strain theory, differential association theory and neutralization theory. This essay will also focus on Rajartnam who was convicted for inside trading in 2011. Introduction A different approach to criminological theory was taken in the 1960’s although; it was a derivative of older theories. The labeling theory wanted to know questions about crime andRead MoreHow do Differential Association Theories best Demonstrate that Criminal Behaviour is a ‘Learned Behaviour’1007 Words  | 5 PagesDifferential association theory was Sutherland’s major sociological contribution to criminology, similar in importance to strain theory and social control theory. These theories all explain deviance in terms of the individual’s social relationship. Sutherland’s theory make tracks from the pathological perspective and biological perspective by features the cause of crime to the social context of individuals. â€Å"He rejected biological determinism and the extreme individualism of psychiatry, as well asRead MoreThe Tattoo By Chris Mckinney Essay1704 Words  | 7 Pagesthat one can learn criminal and violent behaviour by thos e who they hold close interpersonal relationships with, for example, family and friends. In saying that, I will be using the social learning theory looking in particular at Edwin Sutherland and his notion of differential association and Akers concept of differential reinforcement to explore the relationship between Ken Hideyoshi and Koa Puana. In The Tattoo, we were introduced to Koa Kauhi Puana who originates from Kahaluu on the Windward side
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Unanswered Issues With Persuasive Essay Social Media Topics Beneficial to the Society Uncovered
Unanswered Issues With Persuasive Essay Social Media Topics Beneficial to the Society Uncovered The end result is that you don't capture and go through the moment seeing as you're busy worried about other things. Some people think that social media addiction is a myth, but others argue it is an actual thing. Such types of near-subliminal advertising can subconsciously cause a person to obtain certain merchandise. Alongside privacy and censorship comes the problem of cyber predators. The excessive use of social media has brought about plenty of tension and unhappiness in teens, and there's no excuse for it. Social media is supposed to grow an individual's quality of life, and can decrease health risks. On the flip side, the media is notorious for taking things out of context and even causing panic when it isn't necessary. Despite the fact that social networks can have negative effects like wasting time, additionally, it affects people positively by allowing people to communi cate and remain in touch with friends in a much simpler way. The value of social media can't be ignored since it plays an extremely crucial part in our lives today. The persuasive speech topics ought to be bold and ought to serve the aim of your speech. The media has a large effect on children in the way they perceive certain events and acts. Within this sense, social media can hinder individuals to enhance their talents. The Pain of Persuasive Essay Social Media Topics Beneficial to the Society Social networking does have negative effects also, but are nothing in comparison to the benefits of using it. Social networking is an improved tool that has significantly improved connectivity and social awareness. Social networking is the main reason for lots of the world's problems and solutions. According to different research studies in the area of online social networks, Online social media have gained astounding worldwide rise and popularity that has led to attracting attent ion from number of researchers globally. Today, you simply must have your smartphone by your side because you can find any information from the net and societal media. There's a remarkable solution to your issue! On the negative side, the net is laden with lots of risks associated with internet commuinties. The world wide web has also brought adverse changes in the kinds of communications which are available and currently With the progress in technology, communication has grown. Social media has led to the mental health of young individuals to deteriorate. Social networking actually allows us to be more social since it makes it so it is possible to speak to someone even If it isn't in person. It has created a serious breach in the ability of young people to communicate and interact with each other. It does not just benefit individuals, but it also benefits businesses as well. Whispered Persuasive Essay Social Media Topics Beneficial to the Society Secrets The selection of topic is the most crucial and foremost ste p to finish. Deciding on the correct topic is the main job. You're an actual topic enthusiast! Following articles will provide you with more info about this subject. Persuasive Essay Social Media Topics Beneficial to the Society Options In earlier times people necessary to meet physically thus there was a limitation with regard to how many possible mates one could reach out to at any certain time. The second advantage is, it's good in long distance relationship. Because social net working is such a good thing we have today I believe that social net working is a significant way that aids people remain in contact with one another. Though people believe education is a correct and will make society, generally, a better place for everybody, others feel there's no genuine approach to provide a free college education as colleges would still have to be funded (likely through tax dollars). How to Choose Persuasive Essay Social Media Topics Beneficial to the Society Social networkin g has already completely altered the way that people interact in the planet, but also it's advancing more to make it simpler to access. Social media has far reaching effect on the youth, because they are the individuals who are most active on social media sites. They can lead to compulsive behavior. Social networking makes much easier for the people to cooperate with one another, either for business purposes or socially, by sitting anywhere on earth. A text or instant message, via one of the many social media websites, is the way the vast majority of people nowadays interact together. Social networks do not screen their users and don't have any real means of knowing what sorts of individuals are employing the network. Although social media like Facebook, has helped broaden education into various outlets besides the conventional classroom, there are a few questions a lot of people have about how safe these on-line environments are. Now, lots of individuals are using social media like Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler and so forth. Now social networking is getting mobile and can be retrieved via the use of a mobile phone. The very first reason social media has helped is because it allows you to keep in contact with friends and family members. Especially, it's important that we understand and regulate the usage of social networking by young children. Since you can see, we have to understand and regulate using social networking by y oung children.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effect Of Energy On The Body - 1246 Words
The ability or capacity to do work, according to Feyman, Leighton and Sands (2013), may be thought of as energy. Energy is a ubiquitous substance that is not necessarily tangible but can be easily detected. For example, electrical energy, chemical energy, light, heat, nuclear energy and mechanical energy are all forms of energy; yet, the ability to define each as a physical material can be relatively difficult. To continue, energy can neither be created nor destroyed but exists in two forms – potential and kinetic. Feyman et al. (2013) reported that potential energy is the capacity for doing work based upon the body’s position in space. In this situation, an object will have a certain amount of potential energy based upon its location in reference to a gravitational field. This notion is true in and outside of Earth, given that the movement of objects are influenced by Newton’s laws of motion (Feyman et al. 2013). In comparison, kinetic energy is the amount of en ergy a body possesses due to its motion. As such, the concepts of potential and kinetic energy are relatively different; however, they are closely intertwined and each influences the other (Rowlands 2015). With that being said, the purpose of this paper is to perform a critical analysis of potential and kinetic energy. A comparison will be drawn between each type of energy, in conjunction with their unique differences. This paper will be concluded by discussing one real-world application that is directly related toShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Energy Drinks On The Human Body845 Words  | 4 PagesThe effects of energy drinks once poured in the human body Once you consume an energy drink your whole body is affected including you brain, your bloodstream, your heart, and your skin. Energy drinks are really bad for you if you drink it a lot; they say it could affect how you work out because energy drinks lead to sugar crashes. You don’t want to work out and in the middle of your work out, you get tired all of the sudden, if you drink one after you work out you would just get tired and youRead MoreEffects Of Energy Drink Consumption On All Age Groups Are Real And Impacts1613 Words  | 7 Pageslimited English sources dated 2005 to 2010, energy drinks have become more popular among teenagers and young adults (Rath, 2012). SixWise.com’s (2008) article â€Å"What is really in a hot dog?†provided evidence that just because the product is purchased by the public does not automatically mean it is beneficial long term (Wyrick). This new craze of energy drinks has the world consuming them at a staggering rate. The de bates concerning the effects among energy drink consumption in all age groups are realRead MoreEnergy Drinks Speech923 Words  | 4 Pagesgetting a jolt of energy from a cup of coffee or tea in the morning for hundreds of years, so getting that jolt in a little can seems to make sense, right? B. The desire for a powerful energy drink can lead to a lot of misinformation. C. There is a lot of misinformation about energy drinks in regards to they speed up your metabolism, help you with your workout, mixing these drinks with alcohol, and the effects on your body. II. BODY OF THE SPEECH D. Energy drinks speed up yourRead MoreEnergy Drinks Rationale815 Words  | 4 PagesChapter 1 INTRODUCTION Rationale Energy drinks were maufactured for the purpose of providing mental and physical stimulation for a short period of time. They are specially formulated for people who needs extra energy and are looking for a temporary mental and physical booster in order to get through day to days activity. Energy drinks sprung in the global market wayback 1997 with Red Bull being the very first product that hit the market. Energy drinks contain different ingredients such as caffeineRead MoreSupplements : Dietary Supplements, As Defined By The Fda ( U.s. Food And Drug Administration1344 Words  | 6 Pagesboth professional and amateur body builders to assist in the delivery of energy to the muscles. There are some dietary supplements which provide energy but have very serious side effects. These supplements contain steroids. There are two types of steroids which are naturally present in the body: Corticosteroids and androgenic/anabolic steroids. Corticosteroids are produced in the adrenal gland above the kidney and androgenic/anabolic steroids are made by the body to regulate the production of testosteroneRead MoreEssay On Caffeine921 Words  | 4 Pagesdrink that gives them energy whenever they need it. I am here to tell you that coffee works a lot differently than most of us think. It does something completely different than what you might expect to your body. And coffee is not the same for everyone, to some living things it’s even poisonous. Even its name is deceiving because coffee is not even a bean at all. I am not here to dissuade you from drinking coffee, but rather inform you about how coffee affects us and how our bodies deal with it. So nextRead MorePersuasive Essay On Energy Drinks1295 Words  | 6 Pagesand sometimes they oversleep and are late for school. To solve this problem , they just drink a can of Red bull or any kind of energy drink so they don’t fall asleep in class. Energy drinks are one of the most popular drinks in the United States. Energy drinks arent healthy and are loaded with high amounts of caffeine. They contain ingredients that are harmful to the body. People may think they wake a person up and get his or her brain properly functioning. Thats not true at all. They keep peopleRead MoreThe Problem Of Energy Drinks Essay1300 Words  | 6 Pagesthem awake. Energy drinks have many untested contents within the drink that aren’t tested or regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, deeming it unsafe for consumption. The FDA needs to test the effects of the combined contents of an energy drink and draft regulations so that the public can make more informed decisions about its consumption. Energy drinks have undeniably meshed into the subculture of any US college campus. College students who consume copious amounts of energy drinks claimRead MoreM1,M2, M3 Anatomy and Physiology1612 Words  | 7 PagesM1. Discuss the role of energy in the body The three systems in our body that work together are cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems which supply energy to the cells of the body. I will be describing their role of energy in the body system; also I am going to explain the physiology of the three named body systems in relation to energy metabolism. Respiratory System The respiratory system consists of tissues and organs in our body which are formed into groups. The system includes airwaysRead MoreThe Effect Of The Energy Drink With Taurine1542 Words  | 7 PagesThe â€Å"energy†it means that that drink gave us power to get up and do things. It energizes us so we can accomplish something. The biological definition of energy is the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity Caffeine, sugars and many more provide energy by stimulating the central nervous system giving the body a sense of alertness. It can raise heart rate and blood pressure while dehydrating the body. First, from what it understand the amount of caffeine is 100-200
Sense and Stylistic Analysis Free Essays
Sense and stylistic analysis â€Å"The Escape†I would like to consider sense and stylistic peculiarities of the text that I have recently read. The title of the story is â€Å"The Escape†, it was written by Somerset Maugham. First of all, some facts from the author’s biography. We will write a custom essay sample on Sense and Stylistic Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now William Somerset Maugham is one of the best known English writers of the 20th century. He was born in 1874 in Paris. He received a medical degree; however he never practised medicine, but all his life he had a great desire to write. The first novel â€Å"Liza of Lambeth†he wrote at the age of 23, but it had no success. For about 10 years he wrote manifold plays and novels and starved. But he did not give up. In 1907 he produced in London a comedy of manners â€Å"Lady Frederic†which finally brought him luck. Soon afterwards Maugham became internationally celebrated. So he became independent and began to travel. He came to know Europe, the United States, China, Spain, the South Seas. Some of his another famous works are â€Å"Cakes and Ale†, â€Å"Moon and Sixpence†, â€Å"Ashenden†, â€Å"Don Fernando†etc. He died in 1965 at the age of 91. Now let’s return to the story â€Å"The Escape†. It relates to the relationships between men and women. The main characters of the story are the narrator, his friend Roger Charing and a woman Ruth Barlow. The plot of the story is quite simple, but interesting at the same time. At the beginning of the text the narrator proposes a thesis that â€Å"if a woman once made up her mind to marry a man nothing but instant flight could save him†. But he says that not every man could manage to escape. And here the narrator tells us a short story, settled in one complex sentence, which has something in common with the following and the main story of the text. One narrator’s friend, having realized that a woman wanted to merry him, decided for a flight. He took ship. The author uses here parenthesis â€Å"with a toothbrush for all his luggage, so conscious was he of his danger and the necessity for immediate action†in order to emphasize that a man was ready for everything to escape this marriage. Then he spent a year travelling around the world, but the first person he saw when he returned was that woman he tried to flee. The irony runs through the narration, supported by such words and phrases: â€Å"instant flight†, â€Å"inevitable loom†, â€Å"menacingly†, â€Å"thinking himself safe†. So, this short story serves as the introduction to the one following below. Then the narrator says that he knew only one man who managed to extricate himself in such situation. His name was Roger Charing. He was no longer a young man, but strong and hefty, and had plenty of money. He possessed a common sense and worldy wisdom, and was prudent. But when he fell in love with Ruth Barlow, â€Å"he went down like a row of ninepins†; this simile used by the author adds to the satirical tone of the narration. Mrs. Barlow was twice a widow, and now she made up her mind to marry Roger. She was very unfortunate person, sufferings followed her; this fact is underlined in the following sentence constructed in the form of parallel construction: â€Å"If she married a husband he beat her; if she employed a broker he cheated her; if she engaged a cook she drank†. Besides, Ruth Barlow had pretty, pathetic appearance and splendid dark eyes which were always ready to fill with tears. The author uses such epithets describing her as â€Å"splendid dark eyes†, â€Å"the most moving eyes†, â€Å"poor dear†, â€Å"helpless little thing†, â€Å"lovely eyes†, â€Å"pathetic†, â€Å"unfortunate†, â€Å"rotten time†. It was not surprising that she touched the strings of Roger’s heart, and he wanted to do something for her, to protect her, to save her from the hazards of life. And when he decided to merry her and commit such a good action, he was very proud of himself. Here we must admit that everything was not so ambiguous. At first sight we should sorry for this poor woman, be in sympathy with her, and admire Roger’s kind heart. However, we feel that all the mentioned above stylistic devices make a humorous, ironical effect, and we understand that everything is not so sweet and sincere in this story as it seems at first sight. Further on the narrator characterizes Ruth already from another side; the author uses the epithets â€Å"stupid†and â€Å"scheming†and the simile â€Å"as hard as nails†, so that we see her false nature and the narrator’s negative attitude to her. Indeed, this woman was not so helpless, defenseless and poor, but rather cunning and artful; she used her pathetic appearance and various tricks in order to achieve her purposes, to arose Roger’s compassion and in the long run to marry him. The author gives us to comprehend that Ruth just wanted to seem helpless and poor, but indeed she was not. As for Roger, he, on a sudden, fell out of love. The phrase â€Å"on a sudden†supposes that this was not a deep, sincere feeling, but just a shallow, surface passion. Now Roger realized what the sort of woman he had to deal with. Of course, he already did not want to merry her. But it was awkward for a man to jilt a woman and in order not to get a bad reputation he needed Ruth to release him by herself. That is why he thought over one scheme. He said Ruth nothing about that change in his feelings. He remained attentive to all her wishes, he took her to dine at restaurants, he sent her flowers, he was sympathetic and charming. And they arranged to marry as soon as they found a house that suited them. Then the house-hunting began. They examined a great number of houses, but Roger always found a fault that made a house unsuitable. He said he couldn’t bear to ask his dear Ruth to live in any but the perfect house. The narrator says: â€Å"Sometimes they were too large and sometimes they were too small, sometimes they were too far from the centre of things and sometimes they were too close; sometimes they were too expensive and sometimes they wanted too many repairs; sometimes they were too stuffy and sometimes they were too airy; sometimes they were too dark and sometimes they were too bleak†. The author deliberately uses parallel constructions to emphasize the duration of the similar actions. The author ironically depicts how long they were looking for a suitable house, how many houses they examined and inspected, and how tiresome and tiring was this business. It was obvious that Roget was trying Ruth’s patience and was waiting for her to be the first to break their relations. Of course, Ruth guessed his plan and finally lost her patience. Ruth’s letter to Roger is the climax of the story, because all the events preceding this one have been tensing the atmosphere. Her letter, where she informed Roger she was going to merry another man, was the final point in their relationships. So Roger reached his aim. As for me, I sympathize with none of them. I think they make a pair: Ruth had a scheme to marry him, Roger had a scheme to escape. They lied to each other, they tricked each other. I think the main idea the author wanted to bring to us is the importance of being honest. He reminds that one should stay honest to a person, even if one has fallen out of love with. But the relations based on trickery and scheming are doomed from the beginning. How to cite Sense and Stylistic Analysis, Papers
College Application free essay sample
I could barely grasp the note cards in my hands while 30 sets of eyes were glued on me. Preparing to do the unthinkable – speak in front of a crowd of judgmental peers – I constantly doubted myself, bringing my self-confidence down to its all-time low in a matter of seconds. As nine years of skills learned through speech impairment classes suddenly vanished, the teacher announced my name, signaling that it was my turn to deliver a speech that I would have to pass in order to graduate high school. I managed to introduce myself without stuttering, but when my confidence began to rise, so did the students’ chuckles. With a shaky voice, I continued my speech. Stuttering on every other word, I couldn’t help but see my peers – some I even considered friends – covering their mouths, trying to hold back the laughter, and I knew that in their minds, they were making fun of me. When I am completing my residency and have all affairs in order I would like to marry and start a family of my own. I have numerous reasons why I want to be a doctor. My first one deals with my grandpa and how he had cancer and how badly I wanted to help him and ease his pain and suffering. I know I couldn’t cure his cancer, but hopefully in the near future there will be a cure then I could help people like my grandpa. My second reason is my role model, who is my uncle Thumper; he is an orthopedic surgeon who went to Stanford University. The reason he is my inspiration is that he is an incredibly smart man who has a drive to help people out to the best of his ability. In my book that makes him incredible and worthy to be anybody’s role model. My Third reason is just my love for science. Since my freshmen year I have wanted to have a job that deals with science. I think that science is one of the coolest things out there. I am fascinated by how complex and intriguing our bodies are. Taking into consideration the high number of pre-med students from southwestern that are accepted into medical school, I believe Southwestern will be an important stepping stone to help me realize my dreams and ambitions.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
This paper will examine the role of pricing in three local companies Essay Example
This paper will examine the role of pricing in three local companies Essay This paper will examine the role of pricing in three local companies: * McDonalds * Starbucks * Tesco We will write a custom essay sample on This paper will examine the role of pricing in three local companies specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on This paper will examine the role of pricing in three local companies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on This paper will examine the role of pricing in three local companies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The following introductory information provides an understanding of the role pricing plays in business, the different types of pricing policies and why they are implemented. Following the introduction, each companys pricing policies will be examined individually. Pricing plays a critical role in any marketing strategy and affects the profits and revenue that a company will eventually earn. According to The Entrepreneurs Guidebook (2001), to establish an effective pricing policy, a company needs to: * Define pricing objectives * Establish a simple yet effective pricing structure taking into consideration all business costs * Choose a pricing strategy that helps to establish a market presence * Adapt a general pricing policy in response to trends, industry practices and new innovative pricing strategies to help solidify a competitive position within the marketplace Any business, regardless of the industry needs to base a pricing plan on the companys goals and objectives. That means that pricing policies need to be closely aligned with the overall business and marketing plans. When setting price objectives, companies need to consider the effect that these prices will have on (The Entrepreneurs Guidebook, 2001): * Sales volume * Sales revenues * Market share * Competitive advantage * Company image * Profitability Determining the right type of pricing structure requires a strong understanding of the relationship between pricing and each of the factors listed above. Specific information needs to be defined before establishing a pricing policy. Detailed research and a close examination of each of the key factors needs to be completed before a qualified pricing plan can be implemented. Pricing is viewed differently by consumers than companys that set the pricing structure and it can be viewed as either a deterrent or reason to buy. Companies need to understand the effect that price can have on their overall marketing strategy. According to The Entrepreneurs Guidebook (2001), pricing objectives must take into account one or all of the following goals: * Increase sales volume * Increase sales revenue * Keep or build market share * Meet or prevent competition * Target low-cost buyers * Increase profits or ROI, such as each 15% ROI or increase market share by 30% by end of the fiscal year Pricing reflects a lot about a company and coincides with their financial history, company mission, values and revenue objectives. No matter what industry, the prices that are charged depend on a number of factors: * What it costs do to business-operating costs, inventory, etc. * Profit goals * The competitions pricing structure * How your product is valued, i.e. customers assessment of the value According to The Entrepreneurs Guidebook (2001), there are several different pricing strategies that can be implemented: * Break even pricing * Buying a market position pricing * Competitive advantage pricing * Discount pricing * Full-cost pricing * Keystone pricing * Loss leader pricing * Matching the competition pricing * Multiple unit pricing * Odd pricing * Penetration pricing * Pre-season pricing * Price -is-no-object pricing Companies like McDonalds, Starbucks and Tesco have developed pricing structures, based on their industry and their competition. But each company also has a pricing policy that is tied closely to profit goals and cost structures. The fact that these three companies are in very different industries and markets provide a sampling of different pricing structures. Advertising plays a major role in both McDonalds and Starbucks but probably not as much for a local Tesco store. Their big draw is word of mouth and their rewards program for their customers. Shoppers can see for themselves if the items they are buying are fresh and have the quality they are looking for. Buying a cup of coffee or a fast food hamburger is different. No matter what type of pricing strategy is used, companies must constantly evaluate the effects that their strategy is having on their overall success. McDonalds The fast food marketplace is highly competitive and strategies for providing consumers with offerings they will want requires pricing that will produce long-term results and keep customers coming back. According to Marc Ballon of the Los Angeles Times (2001), McDonalds is working to shore up its domestic operations, largely by tightening operations and encouraging franchises to offer consumers better value. McDonalds conducted extensive research into sales and customer count, competitive offerings and prices and began to create value offerings for $.99. After testing certain segments of the marketplace, they launched a discount pricing program. By cutting down on operating costs and improving efficiency, the savings can be passed along to the customer. The customer believes that they are getting a bargain through special pricing. McDonalds continues to outpace Wendys and others with annual sales of over $1.6 million. Their discounted pricing strategy does pose some problems, particularly with maintaining high quality and service. Although McDonalds has faced some economically hard times, they continue lead the competition because of their brand recognition and perceived value for the price. Now, the bigger challenge that the company faces is trying to create healthier fare to meet consumers changing tastes. Competition is a key factor in McDonalds pricing and as the market continues to be flooded with newcomers offering different and healthier fare, the current pricing structure may change. Discount pricing may no longer provide McDonalds with the revenue stream they need to meet their goals. Matching the competition may be a better tactic or using some type of multiple unit pricing in some cases by offering two for one or some type of multiple and desirable pricing to entice the consumer. Starbucks Starbucks is in a fairly unique position as an industry trendsetter catering to upwardly mobile young successful business people. In this case, money is often no object and their pricing policy reflects that. Their pricing also reflects their image, which caters to a more affluent client. This targeted group wants to be recognized and admired for their ability to buy Starbucks coffee. Its almost a status symbol among yuppies. As for the company, their strategy clearly says we are worth more so we are charging more. You wont see sale or discount signs in Starbucks. According to The Entrepreneurs Guidebook (2001), this pricing will only work if the product or service is: * Highly innovative * In demand * One of a kind * Threatened by little or no competition * Within a market where price is less important than other factors Starbucks has been able to be successful using this strategy but one disadvantage may be that they are losing potential customers because they are perceived as too expensive. Why pay $3.00 when you can pay $.90 somewhere else. The average customer wants a good cup of coffee not a boutique cup of coffee. Starbucks remains successful because their pricing policy supports their marketing strategy. Tesco Food sales have always been a playing ground for pricing wars and over the past ten years, Tesco has taken an aggressive approach in the marketplace. Although they remain highly competitive as far as pricing, they initiated a club card program that provides discounts and rewards for loyal customers. Supermarket chains across the country constantly try to beat their competitors and Tecso is following suite. They have based their strategy on being highly competitive and by providing a wide selection of products. According to Loop Consulting (2000), in the grocery market it would appear that you could compete on price and service but the two may be mutually exclusive. In a price war, the only way to win is by reducing the overall cost base, no the profit margins. Once a price has been reduced, it is less easy to return prices to their previous level without alienating customers. In fact, it will encourage shoppers to go wherever the price promotions are. So Tesco, although they implement pricing promotions are relying more heavily on their club card program, not only for customer loyalty but also to learn more about their customers buying habits. This can be an effective tool in planning promotional selling. Tesco must also consider competitive pricing policies based on what the competitors are charging for the same or equal products. The rule of thumb here is that even though less is being paid for an item, the company will make up the revenue on volume sales. Tesco closely follows its competitors pricing policies.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Mutter Museum Sample Essay Writing
Mutter Museum Sample Essay WritingA Mutter Museum sample essay writing assignment can provide you with ideas for a dissertation topic. However, this article is going to provide you with a list of some possible topics that are more current than the other ones. Here is an outline of where you might want to focus your research and provide you with some ideas to get you started on the right track.The primary focus of the Mutt House museum is Victorian America. You could choose to examine some of the most famous American and perhaps, most infamous Americans that have lived at this time in history. This could range from a variety of sources from census records to online articles to books about these people.The plot of the short story and novel The Monster at the End of This Book has a lot to do with Mutt. You could use this to portray a monster or even a dead one roaming around as an inhabitant of the Mutt House. There are so many ways to go about this topic.A quote from one of Shakespeare 's plays would be a great way to bring a strong connection between Shakespeare and the subject of Mutt. However, it is not always possible to locate a direct quote from a play to go with your research. You could still use this to help you demonstrate that the subject matter can relate to and be discussed in the real world.The topics for your essays might vary from the three mentioned above. When choosing a topic, be sure to consider several of the following points. The first is how the topic relates to history. You will want to choose a topic that is historically relevant.You will also want to choose a topic that you can talk about when it comes to writing this type of article without having to make as much as research as you would with other types of writing. You will need to be able to talk about your topic without too much research on your part. This makes the process of writing faster and easier for you.A short story like The Monster at the End of This Book that happens to have been written by a famous author might be a good example of what can happen with the topic of a sample essay. There are so many things to talk about and so many things to discuss that you may find yourself enjoying the whole thing. You could write your own short story as a research subject or use one of the many sample stories on the website.By taking a look at these options you can see a great way to use the museum tour in Mutt: A History in the planning of your essay. It is possible to get quite detailed and go into a lot of detail. However, by picking a theme and starting out small, you can move forward and get to the point of discussing your topic and exploring the theme in the future.
Friday, March 20, 2020
The Future of Genetically Modified Food essays
The Future of Genetically Modified Food essays Genetically modified food has been a topic of much debate ever since it was first introduced to the market in the early 1990s. Safety issues and economic as well as ecological concerns have been raised by many. While it is evident that there was a food supply issue the question is whether genetically modified food, or GMF, can solve world hunger problems, or even if that would be the best way to address the issue. Nina Fedoroff argues in her New York Times article "Engineering Food for All" that as food prices continue rising so does the number of people who may not be able to afford higher priced food. Unnecessary regulation by the EPA, Department of Agriculture, and Food and Drug Administration has slow down improving technology to allow for faster production of GMF. Evidence and extensive research over the past 25 years has shown no danger in producing modified crops. Fedoroff wants to see regulation lifted and a simple set of requirements focused on any hazards posed by gene Michael Pollan's view of gene modification is different. He argues that GM may be much more dangerous than people think and refers to it as biological pollution. Diversity of corn could be threatened by genetic engineering by allowing the modified organisms to end up in places they weren't meant to be and where no one would suspect they would go. Contamination by cross-pollination and trans-genes could replace genes that Extinction of these genes is very possible. Pollan is a professor of journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. Pollan has written a book called The Omnivore's Dilemma which describes four ways human society obtains food and follows each process to its source. He is a credible source to be arguing against gene modification. Fedoroff's appeal to Pathos can be seen in the first paragraph of the article when she mentions the "ranks of the hungry" are growing. She seems concerne...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Essential Facts About the South Carolina Colony
Essential Facts About the South Carolina Colony The South Carolina Colony was founded by the British in 1663 and was one of the 13 original colonies. It was founded by eight nobles with a Royal Charter from King Charles II and was part of the group of Southern Colonies, along with the North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Maryland. South Carolina became one of the wealthiest early colonies largely due to exports of cotton, rice, tobacco, and indigo dye. Much of the colonys economy was dependent upon slave labor that supported large land operations similar to plantations.  Early Settlement The British were not the first to attempt to colonize land in South Carolina. In the middle of the 16th century, first the French and then the Spanish tried to establish settlements on the coastal land. The French settlement of Charlsefort, now Parris Island, was established by French soldiers in 1562, but the effort lasted less than a year. In 1566, the Spanish established the settlement of Santa Elena in a nearby location. This lasted about 10 years before it was abandoned, following attacks by local Native Americans. While the town was later rebuilt, the Spanish devoted more resources to settlements in Florida, leaving the South Carolina coast ripe for the picking by British settlers. The English established Albemarle Point in 1670 and moved the colony to Charles Town (now Charleston) in 1680. Slavery and the South Carolina Economy Many of the early settlers of South Carolina came from the island of Barbados, in the Caribbean, bringing with them the plantation system common in the West Indies colonies. Under this system, large areas of land were privately owned, and most of the farm labor was provided by slaves. South Carolina landowners initially acquired slaves through trade with the West Indies, but once Charles Town was established as a major port, slaves were imported directly from Africa. The great demand for slave labor under the plantation system created a significant slave population in South Carolina. By the 1700s, the population of slaves nearly doubled the white population, according to many estimates. South Carolinas slave trade was not limited to African slaves. It was also one of the few colonies to engage in the trade of American Indian slaves. In this case, slaves were not imported into South Carolina but rather exported to the British West Indies and other British colonies. This trade began in about 1680 and continued for nearly four decades until the Yamasee War led to peace negotiations that helped end the ​trade activity. North and South Carolina The South Carolina and North Carolina colonies originally were part of one colony called the Carolina Colony. The colony was set up as a proprietary settlement and governed by a group known as Carolinas Lords Proprietors. But unrest with the native population and fear of slave rebellion led white settlers to seek protection from the English crown. As a result, the colony became a royal colony in 1729 and was divided into the colonies of South Carolina and North Carolina.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
War is the Last Resort of Resolving Disputes Essay
War is the Last Resort of Resolving Disputes - Essay Example These include protecting American citizens and interests from foreign aggression, liberating people from oppressive regimes, promoting democracy and human rights especially in autocratic countries in addition to protecting the American society from the adverse effects of drug abuse (Zycher 74-76). In spite of the vast resources invested in the wars and heavy loss of human lives, United States still remains under imminent threats of terror attacks and abuse of human rights is rampant at both local and international levels. Currently, United States military is at war in Afghanistan and Iraq. These wars have been ongoing for about ten years and the targeted countries are yet to attain political and economic stability. However, the numbers of the American soldiers and civilians killed and wounded in the conflicts are increasing. According to The Washington Post, 4,474 and 2,038 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan respectively up to date since the emergence of the c onflicts. In addition 33,184 servicemen have been wounded in Iraq alone. However, the number of wounded servicemen does not include those suffering from psychological problems such as post traumatic disorder. Over 6,440 service members have lost their lives in both â€Å"operation Iraqi freedom†and â€Å"operation enduring freedom†in Afghanistan (The Washington Post). ... At the beginning of the â€Å"operation enduring freedom†in 2001, United States lost 12 service members in that year (icasualties.org). However, in 2010 alone, 499 service members were killed and an additional 418 the following year in 2011 (icasualties.org). Afghanistan has been experiencing some of the worst forms of violence for the last several years in form of suicide bombing, improvised explosive devices and resurgence of the Taliban rule. Therefore, it is apparent that the wars have made the world more insecure than before considering the number of service members and civilians killed in the conflicts. The war in America is costly to the United States, the targeted country and the global economy. According to Gholz (35), wars interrupt international trade, which result to reduction of global wealth. Gholz indentified four mechanisms through which wars interrupt global economic growth and development. The first way is interruption of trade between the targeted country a nd its existing trading partners in the world. This was evidenced in Iraq, where the United States invasion disrupted oil production and trade in the country. Secondly war could interfere with trade between countries not involved in the conflict. This could occur as a result of increasing the cost of doing business due to disruption of oil production and high insecurity (37-41).Gold estimated that 20 to 40 percent increase of the oil price in global markets since 2003 was caused by anticipated decline of oil production in Iraq after the American military invasion(7). Wars interrupt capital flow and foreign direct investment especially in the targeted country because of the increased risks of
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