Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effect Of Energy On The Body - 1246 Words
The ability or capacity to do work, according to Feyman, Leighton and Sands (2013), may be thought of as energy. Energy is a ubiquitous substance that is not necessarily tangible but can be easily detected. For example, electrical energy, chemical energy, light, heat, nuclear energy and mechanical energy are all forms of energy; yet, the ability to define each as a physical material can be relatively difficult. To continue, energy can neither be created nor destroyed but exists in two forms – potential and kinetic. Feyman et al. (2013) reported that potential energy is the capacity for doing work based upon the body’s position in space. In this situation, an object will have a certain amount of potential energy based upon its location in reference to a gravitational field. This notion is true in and outside of Earth, given that the movement of objects are influenced by Newton’s laws of motion (Feyman et al. 2013). In comparison, kinetic energy is the amount of en ergy a body possesses due to its motion. As such, the concepts of potential and kinetic energy are relatively different; however, they are closely intertwined and each influences the other (Rowlands 2015). With that being said, the purpose of this paper is to perform a critical analysis of potential and kinetic energy. A comparison will be drawn between each type of energy, in conjunction with their unique differences. This paper will be concluded by discussing one real-world application that is directly related toShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Energy Drinks On The Human Body845 Words  | 4 PagesThe effects of energy drinks once poured in the human body Once you consume an energy drink your whole body is affected including you brain, your bloodstream, your heart, and your skin. Energy drinks are really bad for you if you drink it a lot; they say it could affect how you work out because energy drinks lead to sugar crashes. 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